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Da-ah's pov

The training lesson was cute. We got to interact with the little kids and talk to the other girls. I found out that the other girls don't like Wonyoung that much. The other girls asked me to go get ice cream with them. The ice cream parlor was inside the castle. It was a cute little place. I ordered a hot fudge sundae and sat at a table with the girls.

"So Wonyoung and you are fighting?" Said a girl named Seoyeon.

"Yeah. I started it though. It's just another sister fight." I said

"Well if you ask me I think you two shouldn't hang out anymore." A girl name Zia told me.

"What? Why would you say that?" I asked
"She's holding you back. I mean she is so annoying and rude. I don't even know how you guys are even twins. You are so nice while Wonyoung is a hot mess." Seoyeon said to me.

"What did you just call my sister?" I said trying to hold in my anger.

"A hot mess." She said like it didn't matter.

"No one calls my sister that." I said now standing.

"Calm down I mean even you must notice that she's a bit-" Before she could finish her sentence I had already thrown my sundae on her.

"Screw you two!" I screamed and exited the parlor.

Wonyoung's pov

After the training session I went for a walk in the garden outside. It was a cold night, but I like to gaze at the stars. Also, I didn't want to go back to my sister and I's room incase she was there. I must have fell asleep because when I opened my eyes a guard was carrying me back to my room.

"So do you always fall asleep in odd places or are gardens your nightly hang out?" The guard said laughing at me. Wait he was one of the guys that brought me out to the arena during the Battle Royale. "We have got to stop meeting like this you know. Me carrying you to places."

"Really it seems very gentlemen like. So random guard who is stalking me. What is your name?" I asked.

"Heeseung is my name. But why so curious?" He said staring at me.

"I well, ya know. Umm. "I paused. "I'm trying to be a polite human being here. Making introductions is a normal thing to do." I said defending myself.

"Relax not judging." He said to me. "Maybe just a little." He whispered under his breathe.

"So Heeseung do you like carrying girls to their bedrooms or is it just to pass some time." I said. He laughed at this and shook his head.

"Nahh it's more like I was ordered to do this."

"Oh." I said sadly. We finally made it to the staircase.

"Kidding I was on night watch and found you sleeping on a bench." He said staring at me. For too long though because Heeseung had put his foot on the wrong place and we both fell down the stairs.

"AHHHHHHHH." We both screamed. When our tumbling was over my head really hurt.

"Crap, are you okay?" Heeseung asked me concerned.

"I'm okay just my head hurts. What about you?" I asked.

"I'm okay. I'm a werewolf remember I have super healing. C'mon let me take you to the infirmary to get your head checked out." He said and picked me up again.

"You really like picking up girls don't you."

"Is that suppose to be a joke?" He asked.

"Well yes it was." I told him.

"It wasn't that funny sweetheart." He said smiling.

"Whatever just get me to the infirmary without tripping." After ten minutes of awkward silence we made it to the infirmary. Heeseung put me down on the examination bed.

"The doctor will be here shortly." The kind nurse told me. Heeseung stayed with me till the doctor arrived then left to wait in the waiting room. The doctor came soon after the nurse left. The doctor was a girl who looked like she was in her late twenties.

"Hello darling. Now what seems to be the problem." The doctor asked me.

"I fell down the stairs and now my head hurts."

"Hmm let me get you checked out." She made me try to walk in a straight line, checked out my eyes, and checked out my hearing. "I have checked out everything and it seems like you have a mild concussion. You will be fine in a couple days. But darling I think you are also stressed out is there anything you want to talk about."

"I just had a fight with my sister, we never fight."

'Don't worry about it I'm sure you guys will forgive each other soon enough. I don't think that is all that is worrying you though. If you need anyone to talk to here is my number." She then gave me her card. "I am Doctor Ryu it is nice to meet you."

"Thanks for helping me." At that moment Da-ah came running in.

"Wonyoung are you okay. I would have been here earlier, but I just found out. Are you hurt?"

"Relax Da-ah, I'm fine just a mild concussion. Thanks for coming."

"Wonyoung of course I would come. I'm your sister. I am so sorry for yelling at you." She hugged me. The Doctor smiled at us and left the room.

"It's okay Da-ah let's just forget this whole thing and move on with our lives." I said to her.

"Sounds like a plan." Da-ah responded.


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