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Wonyoung's pov

(The Next Day)

Da-ah came home late last night. She seemed to have a great night.

"Wonyoung!" Yelled Dia

"What?" I whined. I was still laying in my bed.

"I just received a notification from the Prince's butler that you have a lunch date with the Prince today." Dia said opening my door.

"Oh great. Can't wait." I replied snuggling back under my covers. Out of nowhere my covers got thrown off my bed. "What the -?"

"Stop complaining you have to go to breakfast!" Said Dia dragging me down the stairs. Breakfast was the same as every other morning. Except the girls were all asking Da-ah how the date went. And the other topic of conversation was what should they wear to their date.

"Wonyoung aren't you curious at how vour sister's date went?" Asked a girl named Jo.

"Not really. I mean I have seen her go on dates before this." I said not really seeing what the big fuss was about.

"Well I am curious. What if they already kissed and the Prince has already confessed his undying love for her?" Said Jo staring intensely at me.

"I think it is time for you to stop reading romance novels and get your head out of the clouds. Because all of us have barley even spoken to the Prince. So how could he have any undying love for us." I said. I mean is she joking with me right now.

"That's not true. I mean didn't you just speak to him at the daycare." Said Jo drinking her coffee.

"Yes I did speak to him, but only for a moment."

With that I looked to Dia.

"You ready?" Dia asked.

"Yeah." I replied. She took me back upstairs and we got ready for my date. "So do you know what the Prince is going to make me do for our date."

"Oops my bad I forgot to mention he is taking you bowling for your date."

"Cliché much." I said under my breath. Dia gave me an outfit. She did my makeup and hair. Well she tried to. I didn't want to look like a pageant queen with all the makeup Dia was trying to put on.

"Ok your ready. Go downstairs the Prince is waiting for you." With that I went to meet with the Prince. He was standing in front of a convertible waiting to open the door for me. Ew. No way that is going to happen. When I got closer to the car I ran around to the driver's side and sat behind the wheel.

"Can I drive?" I asked.

"Sure." He said smiling. He then sat on the passenger seat. "Have you ever drove a car before?" He asked slightly nervous.

"Nope." I said watching his petrified reaction. "Kidding I am 18 loosen up a bit." With that I started the car and drove away from the Palace. "Wow I never thought I would get to leave that prison of a Palace." I said looking in the rear view mirror.

"What you don't like it?" He said.

"Not particularly. So where is this bowling alley?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah. Uhh stay on this road and an a quarter mile take a right. It will be right there." We arrived shortly after. The inside of the bowling alley was cute, but it was empty.

"Where is everybody? Do werewolves not like to go bowling?" I said to him.

"No I rented out the place. I can't have the whole kingdom seeing me land a ball in the gutter." He told me chuckling.

"So I take it you are not a good bowler."

"Nope not even the slightest."

"Then this going to be awesome. I love to win!" I said. With that we started our game. The first shot the Prince threw was the gutter. And so was the second shot. "Hey. Little boy. Do you want the bumpers?" I teased to him.

"Oh leave me alone." He said smiling. It was now my turn to bowl. I picked a 6 lb. ball. I went up to the line and threw it. The ball went very slow but stayed on the lane.

"Look at it go. Hey Prince is this what is suppose to happen. The ball is suppose to stay on the lane. Wow."I said mocking him. The ball ended up getting three pins.

My second shot went faster. "Go. Go. Go!" I yelled jumping up and down. The ball got four more pins and I fist pumped in the air. This went on for the next several frames. He barely got a single pin and I kept getting a couple per frame. The game ended and I beat him 83- 1. "Hey do you want to stop and go play some arcade games." I asked feeling bad for him.

"Yeah. I think that would be a good idea." We both walked over to the arcade. "Wonyoung, what would you like to play?" He asked me.

"Hmm. What about the motorcycle game. We can play against each other."

"Sure." He said. We picked the location Tokyo because it is one of my favorite cities. In the beginning of the race I was behind him because I forgot how you make the motorcycle move forward.

"C'mon Sorn. We got to catch up to the Royal motorcycle up front." I yelled.

"Who's Sorn?" He asked me laughing.

"Well duh my motorcycle. Doesn't everyone name their vehicle." I said intensely staring at the screen. I went from 8th to 6th to 5th to 3rd. And was about to catch up with him. I saw the finish line. "Sorn don't give up on me now." I yelled. It was a close call, but the Prince had won. He did a victory lap around the arcade. "We are even now." I said smiling at him.

"Yeah." He replied.


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