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Wonyoung's pov

(The next day)

"Rise and shine. You have dish duties today." Dia said to me.

"No don't remind me,"I whined.

"C'mon out of bed." Dia handed me an outfit.

"Ok let's go." Breakfast was outside again like usual. Da-ah was already here. I sat down next to Yunjin besides there were no seats next to da-ah.

"Good morning. What's up?" Said Yunjin. I appreciated her carefree attitude so early in the morning.

"The sun." I responded. I am the most cranky when I have not have had coffee.

"Hahaha. Very funny." She rolled her eyes at me. I smiled, then the scary old lady walked in.

"Today girls the Royal pack is having their annual Battle Royale. All of the wolves in our pack compete to decide who is the strongest. The King and Queen have asked that you guys come to watch. We will meet in a half an hour to go watch the Battles.

You have till then to get ready. Now go." She rushed us out and back to our rooms. We all walked quickly and in silence. None of us were used to seeing them in their wolf forms. Dia seemed slightly nervous. I assumed it was because of the wolves, but I was completely mistaken.

"Umm wonyoung before I show you the outfit you have to wear please know I did not choose it. The King and Queen thought it would be cute if everybody wore this. This is not my fault." Said Dia.

"Jeez just show me the outfit already."

Da-ah's pov

I heard a scream from across the hall. Wonyoung must have seen the outfit. I thought it was weird at first, but after staring at it for a while in the mirror it isn't so bad. It was a standard cheerleading outfit and kinda cute in my opinion.

Lia told me it's because they want us to cheer for the Prince or somethina like that during the Battle Royale. Wonyoung came running into my room with pure disgust on her face.

"Do you see what they have me wearing?' She asked me.

"Yes, yes I do. But hey you look great".

"We should revolt, boycott, sue. Do I look like a cheerleader to you?" She was pacing again. She overreacts to everything. Well, I guess I also do.

"Well yes, yes you do." I said smiling. I knew that would get her even more upset.

"Oh shut up."

"Miss Da-ah and wonyoung it is time to go to meet up with the other girls." Said Lia timidly. I think she was afraid to get in the line of my sister's war path.

In the gathering room, was the other girls all wearing their cheerleading uniforms. Most seemed happy about it.

"Wonyoung isn't this exciting we get to watch werewolves fight. Hardly any human gets a chance to see this." I was trying to make her see the positives about this.

"Yeah. I'm so excited. Yay werewolves." Wonyoung said sarcastically.

"Ok girls a couple of rules before we go. First, don't cheer for whoever the Prince is fighting. Rule 2 look happy and don't be rude to the werewolves. Some of them do not like humans. And last, but not least, have fun. No human gets to experience this so enjoy it." The scary old lady told us.

I should really find out what her name is. The lady took us to where the Battle Royale was taking place. Inside was hundreds of werewolves who unfortunatelv were all staring at us.

I mean it is hard to miss us in these uniforms. The lady said we could go explore so Wonyoung, Yunjin, Eunji, and I went to find someplace to sit. After wandering we found a place to sit near a little food stand. We bought some food because the old lady didn't give us enough time to eat breakfast.

"Well look what we have here, Felix." Behind me came two boys walking up to our tables. They acted like they own this place. One was blonde and one was brunette.

"Hi ladies I'm Felix and this Yeonjun." Said the blonde guy.

"Well hello to you to." Said wonyoung who looked annoyed that someone was interrupting her from eating her food.

"So you girls are here to be picked to be the Luna Queen, right?" Said Yeonjun I think.

"Yep." Said Yunjin.

"Are you then here to cheer for the Prince than" Asked Felix who was nudging very close to Eunji while Yeonjun was inching towards Yunjin.

"No, I'm wearing this because I feel like it." Said wonyoung who was definitely annoyed. Wonyoung always spoke more easily to guys than I do.

"Well, then I hope the Prince doesn't mind
sharing you guys because I would love to have you girls cheer me on." Said Felix who was leaning over the table with one hand on Eunji's shoulder.

All of a sudden Felix was being held against the wall by the Prince. "I actually do mind sharing Felix. So leave these girls alone and never harass them again." The Prince lowered Felix to the ground and both of the boys left. "Are you girls alright?"

"No I'm not. Do you see what I'm wearing?!?!" Said wonyoung who was still annoyed. For once I thought she was gonna be serious.

"Just forget about the damn outfit already wonyoung! Thank you Prince for helping us out." I replied mad at my sister. She can't be polite for once in her life.

The Prince laughed. "It's quite alright. Tell me if those freaks bother you again."

"Don't worry next time they show up I'll wave my pompoms, aka my fists, in their faces." Replied Wonyoung who seemed happy with her response.

Thanks, Wonyoung you just made the family so proud.


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