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"Siyoni his birthday is a week away why are you stressing?" amere laughed at me as i wrote down things adonis currently loved and what he had told me in the past he wanted for his birthday.

"i know i want to be prepared and go get the boxes from the door." i jumped up at my amazon notification, and he stood up stretching , "gimmie kiss first." he turned to me and i kissed his lips before i slid on my slippers & followed him down the steps .

Adonis was currently turning four and i wanted him to love his party , he maybe wasn't gonna remember it but that doesn't stop me from going all out for him.

amere opened the door and i stood behind him as he signed off , "girl-if you don't move your excited ass." he laughed and so did i . grabbing the smallest box i brought it inside and sat it down , he grabbed the rest before he closed and locked the door .

"you want me to go get him or you?"

"i will." i muttered and he hummed grabbing the box cutter .

he sat down and i stood pulling it on the opening of the box . it was his electric g-wagon and i squealed . "it's even cuter in person pooda." amere laughed at my excitement and nodded .

"where we gone put this at?"

"the garage ." i shrugged and he nodded .

before we knew it four hit and i was now headed to get adonis from school , i stopped and picked up him his fault chick-fa-la and all

once i finally pulled up to his school i got out of my car and headed inside to get him. i saw his teacher and headed her way with a smile . "hey ms.winter." i spoke she smiled , "hey ms.yoni watchu doing here?" she looked at me in confusion and i furrowed my eyebrows.

what is this woman talking about?

"to get adonis." i laughed at her joke and she looked at me with wide eyes . "adonis is gone .. with his grandmother."

Aaliyah would've texted and told me if she was getting him.

but let me check anyway might've slipped her mind.

pulling out my phone i called aaliyah and she picked up , "hello." she sung , "hey is don with you?"

"nope , is everything okay you need me to go get him?"

"no..i'll talk to you later love you." i hung up and put my phone back in my pocket . "she said she doesn't have him.

"we'll..his grandmother adora came and got him." she seemed very scared and i looked at her . "you gave my son to adora?"

"first off why did you even give my son to someone who wasn't on the list? y'all did all that extra shit for what? just for you to give my son to some random woman." i began to go off calling amere.

"phat who you going off on?" he asked confused, "they sent don with adora." i began to walk out the building. "oh, i know they called and asked me."

"so why the-

before i said something i would regret i hung the phone up and headed to my car getting inside .

he obviously didn't understand the first time i didn't want shit to do with this woman.

and i damn sure don't want her around my son.


"siyoni i'm not about to argue with you about this shit it's not that serious she wanted to see him." amere stood in the bathroom , "it is that serious! it's literally our son we don't even know this fucking lady!"

"i know the fucking lady and i trust she won't do no shit to our son can you fucking trust me?" he walked from the bathroom and i narrowed my eyes . "what the fuck is wrong with you? why do you feel likes it okay to not talk to me about something that concerns OUR son?" i walked around the bed and he sighed .

"that was wrong i will admit but you was gone say no siyoni-and i have good reasoning ! we don't know her amere what if i sent him off with some fucking random you'd be mad as fuck."

"she's your mother siyoni she not some random."

no fucking way he said that .

"she's not my mother."

"she is but you to fucking immature to sit here and actually talk and get to know her." nodding my head i grabbed my phone , "like i said get my son back here amere." i walked past him and he laughed.

"you doing that shit again walking out everytime some don't go your way."

"im walking out before i say something i shouldn't amere."

"say what the fuck you gotta say don't hold back cause i ain't." he shrugged , "cool." i muttered sitting on the bed .

"your overreacting."

"and you know you are."

"i'm not overreacting amere i don't know this lady you barley even fucking know her and the fact you know what she did to me and where she sent me and can still be on my ass about getting to know her is outrageous to me." i yelled at him , "you grew up with both of your loving parents amere i was abused and fucking raped in that place all because of her and some dumb fucking jealousy ! you said it yourself she's out to get me or did we forget that conversation?" i couldn't help the tears .

he's down playing my feelings so hard but i'm immature?

"phat-no you want me to say what i want to say right?"

"you knew i never wanted to meet her and when you did that shit the first time what happened? and don't call me fucking immature because obviously i'm not if i was taking care of a child by my fucking self for two years ." i wiped my face.

"and you damn sure didn't think i was immature when you started fucking with me."

"and honestly i'm done." i stood up and walked out of the room , "um." sage stood awkwardly at fridge . "sorry." jay said and i shook my head . "si-what the fuck are y'all doing here?" amere came down the steps i guess to follow me.

"damn we can't see y'all?"

"Where you going?" amere looked at me and i just looked at him blankly . "can you please stop talking to me?"

"no i can't so come on so we can finish talking."

i shook my head no and sat down , it was nothing more to talk about. he felt how he felt and that was that i couldn't change that. "siyoni .." he sighed walking over to me and he grabbed me up by my arm and picked me up taking me upstairs.

"I'm sorry for not checking in with you about it." he kissed my lips and i turned my head . "i'm actually seriously can you like leave me alone." i was turned off completely .

he sighed and looked at me . "i'm bout to go get him ight?"


Authors note -

Hey peeps so ..how we feel about what happened this chapter ?

they a little rocky right now 🌚.

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