1 - Strange Start

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The snow rushed around me as I flew through the sky. The smell was close, deathly close. I could taste the oil on my tongue before I could see it. A worker drone, just standing out in the snow. It's honestly quite sad how stupid they can be.

My smile grew as I crept up behind the little drone, trying to make as little noise as possible. I exchanged my regular hand for my blade fingers before sticking my tail into the drone's head. I sighed as I watched it fall to the ground with a "fatal error" message displayed on its screen. "Wow, I didn't even have to slash it, what a shame," I sneered, feasting on the drone's insides.

You may think it's brutal, but I do what I have to for survival. Without the oil from the worker drones, I overheat and die. It's the circle of life. Sort of.

Anyway, I'm Serial Designation S, but my squad just calls me S. I've been killing worker drones for as long as I can remember. I don't remember much about my past, but JCJenson doesn't seem to care, so neither do I. I don't work alone, however. I work with three other murder drones, my squad. Serial Designation N, V, and J.

We all work for a company called "JCJenson IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!". It's just another gigantic company full of humans with no common sense or sense of safety. I'm what the worker drones call a murder drone. What's a murder drone you might ask? It's in the name, you can figure it out.

My current mission, along with the other members of my squad, is to kill every worker drone on Copper 9. Something about the drones gaining sentience after the planet's core exploded and killed all the humans there, I don't know. I didn't really pay attention at the orientation...

That's it. I know it's a basic introduction but there isn't much more to it. It's not like anything life-changing could happen anyway. I'm programmed to kill, that's it...

I flew back to the landing pod inside the corpse spire where the other disassembly drones were. Sure, we're called murder drones by the workers, but we're actually called disassembly drones by JCJenson and the humans. Another useless, annoying fact. I landed on the pod and scanned the area for the others. Nothing. I could see footprints in the snow so I decided to follow them.

I followed the footprints until they eventually stopped directly in front of... the doors... the doors were open? A little thing I forgot to mention, the worker drones have kept us at bay by hiding behind three massive metal doors. They created a colony and when we showed up on the planet they created these doors to prevent us from ever getting inside. But they're... open?

I slowly walked into the colony, following the doors down a long corridor until I finally reached an open area. My eyes widened. V and N were fighting while a small purple-haired worker drone fought J. What the hell?

"What's happening here?" I spoke loudly so everyone could hear me. "S! Knock some sense into this idiot and convince him that we're right! N believes that we should work with the worker drones! He's completely lost his mind." J shouts over her gun as she shoots bullets at the small worker.

I just stood there super confused. How– What did I miss? "S! I know you've researched the workers before and I know you're curious about them too! I've seen you observing them! Uzi taught me how to rebel and she really taught me about the other side of things!" N explains while quickly ducking under a laser beam V sent his way.

I didn't know who to side with. N was right, I was curious about the workers and how they just happened to gain sentience and start their own lives. I was curious, but V and J have taught me basically everything I've ever known. They taught me how to fight, how to dive, how to fly...

Ah, shit.

I guess I have my choice.

Hey! It's nice to be back! I'm slowly starting to re-upload all of my stories. With time I'll have them all up again. I'm almost done with my exams, but after that, I'll be up and writing again! I hope you enjoyed my partially rewritten chapter 1. :))

Oh, and here are a few references of S if you haven't seen her before. 

I drew the first two  a little bit ago, the last pic is the most recent drawing I drew of her a week ago.

I drew the first two  a little bit ago, the last pic is the most recent drawing I drew of her a week ago

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You'll see my user as either Arilovr14, laneylovr, or Arilovr144

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You'll see my user as either Arilovr14, laneylovr, or Arilovr144. laneylovr is my oldest user. Then I changed it to Arilovr14, then it changed to Arilovr144 when I had to recreate my account. Just thought I'd let y'all know so you don't get confused.

TOUCH OF DEATH - Murder Drones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now