3 - Shattered Mirrors

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Third person POV

A few years ago (Idk the exact years and everything because in the show it doesn't say but just know that it's in the past. It's a dream of a memory if that makes any sense.) Btw this third person follows Uzi and the murder drones so it won't be talking about other POVs that happened in the episode like, for example, Khan at the teacher conference. I want the story to progress like it's from their third-person perspective.

This chapter took a while to write... Prepare to read about 1600 words.

"We've got to curve her trips to the dump. And where's she getting the hair to play dress up with? Creepy..." A voice spoke above N. N was a worker drone who worked for the humans in The Elliot Manor. N worked as a servant for the humans, a waiter.

N quickly caught a glass that the tall man threw at him and casually stacked it with all the other glasses on the tray he was currently holding. N didn't show any emotions around humans, he wasn't allowed to, so he just left swiftly and quietly.

N walked down the long halls of the manor, stopping at a giant glass window about five times his size. The window overlooked the front of the mansion. Although it might've been a pretty sight, the rain and deep fog blocked that view.

N continued walking until he eventually reached the minibar where all the workers usually stayed. N looked at the floor as he walked and didn't realize that he bumped into someone!

"Ah! I'm so so sorry!"

"Ah, it's okay! I wasn't looking."

The two workers V and N scrambled awkwardly to pick up the fallen glasses. When N and V reached for the last glass their hands sparked, like electricity. Yes, they are robots and that can happen but this was different. It felt like a jolt of electricity... like... love?

Blush appeared on both of their visors, both of them backing up slightly. N was about to speak when he was abruptly shoved to the floor. "Move it moron!" J yelled but stopped talking when she saw the small human girl standing nearby. "Hi, Tessa! Oh no... another one?" J complained, noticing another drone behind Tessa.

The small worker peeked her head out from behind Tessa's waist and smiled creepily at the workers before the memory ended.

N woke up startled by the sudden memory-dream he just had and fell from the pole he was hanging upside down on. Most murder drones slept upside down from their tails, so this wasn't abnormal.

N rubbed his head gingerly and looked at his blade fingers, flexing them with a perplexed look on his face. "N!" A voice that could be identified as Uzi's yelled from inside the landing pod. "We found something in here!"

Uzi stood looking at a small badge in her palm that looked like a pilot's badge. She not only noticed it was a pilot's badge but it was the same symbol that was on N's hat. Uzi glanced up from the badge and looked at herself in the mirror, moving her hair out of her eyes.

Uzi sighed but when she was about to walk away the mirror shattered and her eye glitched into a... symbol...? "That's weird and concerning," V smirked from the chair she was chained by and calmly blew bubbles from her bubble wand hand. "Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault!" Uzi spat, turning around to point an accusing finger at V. "Our fault? We literally just met you." S said with an unamused look on her face.

"I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?" V grinned, her fangs showing and her eyes starting to glow more evidently. S rolled her eyes and sat on the counter by the ship's hatch. "V we can't just-" N interrupted S by coming down the ladder. "What'd you find?"

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