16 - Whatever, let's just find them.

17 1 0

There might be some spelling and grammar errors in here so forgive me for that, I messed up some stuff while writing this.

{S's POV}

After jumping out of the vent, I was abruptly met with freezing wind. We were outside again. But where?

"Where exactly are we?" I questioned, looking down at B. "We're at the South exit. Now we wait!" B plopped down on the ground against the metal wall of the building. "No, I mean like where are we? What is that place?" I pointed to the building we were just in. "Oh. This is one of the many Cabin Fever Labs that was created by JCjenson!"

"Cabin Fever... did you say Cabin Fever Labs?" I spoke, thinking back to the papers I found in Doll's room. "I swear it said something about Cabin Fever Labs..."

"Yep! These labs were where the absolute solver was created and experimented on! Most drones who had it never came out of this place... spooky huh?" B did a little hand gesture to emphasize the spookiness. "Wait, you know about the absolute solver?" I sat down next to the small drone. She played with her hair absentmindedly as we talked. "Yeah? How do you know about it?"

"Well... it's kinda a long story... I just know of someone who has it." I replied. Since she was kind enough to save me I think I can trust her enough to tell her that. I hope so. Hopefully, Robo-Jesus will give me at least one person to trust today. "Really? You're not kidding?" She jumped up from her spot on the ground and stood directly in front of me with wide eyes.

"Yeah. I do know someone who has it. It's not bad... is it?"

"Uh... I mean... kinda..."

"What do you mean kinda?"

"Well... if a drone's infected with a strong enough case... then it could be too late to save them... is this drone you know of... has she transformed into anything yet?"

"Uh... do you mean like a bat-like creature?"

"Yeah! Okay... they must be pretty infected to have transformed. Has the drone had any incredible glitches or voice changes?"


"Okay, that's good! If they were infected that badly it would be pretty difficult to extract it from their system. Luckily, I know that we can still save them!" I grinned. "That's good! So this is a bad thing then? Also, would it be painful to extract? I don't want her getting hurt, she's my friend." I looked down at the snow. I wonder what Uzi's doing right now. I hope they're all okay. I swear I'll find my way back to them.

"Yes, it's not a good thing. Also, it shouldn't be super painful to extract. We'll have to shut her down and reconstruct her core, or better yet, get a new one, then put it in her and pray her systems don't malfunction." I stared at B. "You said it wouldn't be difficult!" I throw my hands in the air with a worried expression displaying on my visor.

"Hey, it'll be fine! Boss is super good at her job! She's pretty good at doing everything! Your friend will be-"

"Who's super good at her job?"

We both turned our heads towards the South exit. Speaking of...

"Hey, boss!" B ran up to her 'boss', tackling her with a hug. She laughed. "Told you I'd be fine!" I slowly stood up. That injection caused a lot of damage and I'm still really drained from it.

"Love the reunion but would someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" I said, placing my hands on my hips. "Look, I don't mean to be rude but I REALLY need to get back to my friends that I was so amazingly KIDNAPPED away from!" I spoke sarcastically.

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