4 - Cool kids only!

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OKAY SO- This chapter literally took me forever, Idk why ep 2 was so hard to write but uhm, it was. This chapter is 2,500 words so get a snack or something because you'll be here for a bit. Feel free to comment suggestions for the story! Your votes and comments help me write and I'm so incredibly grateful for all the votes, views, and comments this story has already gotten! I can't believe this story reached 171 views in only a week! Tysm and enjoy the chapter!

S carried Uzi while N carried Thad. The four of them flew back to the colony doors, seeing they had been repaired and closed. "Thanks, S," Uzi said, getting off of S's back. S nodded and stood beside N, letting the two workers go ahead of them.

Thad knocked on the door. A moment later the door opened a little bit and a worker was revealed. "Welcome back, Thad! Hey, wait. Isn't she grounded or something?" Uzi groaned. "Banished! Has my dad been saying I'm grounded?" She looked down, trying to calm her rage. "Genocide robots?" The worker asked, looking at N and S.

Uzi looked up at the two murder drones and nodded. N walked forward and handed the worker a piece of paper that contained a drawing that looked like it had been drawn by a five-year-old. There was writing written in crayon on the card; "We're sorry" and little stick figures of both N and S were on it.

"Oh, all right. Just don't do it again! Get in here, ya goobs!" The worker grinned at N and S. N smiled at S excitedly, S returned the gesture.

N, S, Thad, and Uzi snuck through the colony and stopped when they saw an investigation site. They were headed to find the spot where J's corpse was left but they encountered other worker drones investigating a dead body so they decided to watch secretly from the sidelines. "Yeah, where's Khan? Because this looks... non-ideal." A worker said, gesturing to the pile of oil on the floor from the dead body. The four snuck around a pole and watched curiously.

"Parent-teacher conference. Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway." She groaned. "Kinda cringe." "Ew, yeah." The male worker pretended to fake-gag. "Almost threw up for a second there."

Uzi listened to the two workers talk and she looked down in disgust and sadness. "You good?" N whispered to Uzi. "I'm good! Stop asking." Uzi whispered and pushed N away from her. Uzi signaled to the group that the coast was clear and they continued walking to their destination.

They ended up back in the large room where J's corpse originally was but only ended up finding a large amount of oil on the floor. "You guys do that often?" Uzi shined her flashlight that she conveniently had on the oil and noticed that it climbed up the wall and dripped from the ceiling too. "I'm very concerned but also pretty frightened, a little bit," N said with a smile.

S walked around the place, looking down at the oil on the floor. She leaned down and touched a bit of the oil and licked it off her finger, inspecting it. "Yep. Definitely worker drone oil." S commented to herself. "But why and how is there so much of it?"

"Hey Zi! What's this thing?" Thad called. S joined the group and looked at what Thad was referring to. "Absolute solver?" "Hey, isn't that your special eye?" N pointed out. S elbowed him in the arm. "N!" S scolded. "Don't call it that!" Uzi grumbled.

Uzi walked closer to the wall and touched the symbol. "Absolute Solver? Reboot? Does this have something to do with how you grow your head back?" N scratched his neck uncomfortably. "I actively avoid unpacking how that works." S just shrugged. "Probably." "New material can't be pulled from thin air. If the wound is severe enough, this solver might be some sort of auto-run program to collect more matter-"

N put a hand over Uzi's mouth to make her stop talking. Uzi looked annoyed for a second but followed everyone's gaze and her expression quickly turned to one of fear. A human hand crawled nearby on the floor. No body was connected. Just a human hand. Crawling. Totally normal. The hand wasn't connected to a body, but it was connected to a wire. The wire was long and thin and it traveled up a few large crates and into the darkness beyond.

TOUCH OF DEATH - Murder Drones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now