8 - Camping

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3041 words.

Uzi sat on the bus alone, her black backpack with bat wings next to her on the seat. Her classmates spoke excitedly about the camping trip. Uzi's main focus was to find more information about her solver and her mom. Uzi's mother Nori plays a massive part in Uzi's life. Even though she's dead, she had a lot to do with the absolute solver, and Uzi needs to figure out how she inherited them.

Nori was killed by one of the murder drones just before the doors were built. That's actually why Khan made them. Nori suggested that the drones had to have some sort of protection, but no one listened to her.

When the murder drones showed up they finally took action. From that day on, three huge metal doors were built to protect the colony. Khan made it his mission to avenge his wife's death and protect everyone as she wanted.

Everyone filed off of the bus. Most of the students had friends who they were chatting to. Uzi looked around at the cold terrain. A large sign at the front of the campsite reads; "Camp 98.7".

The students followed their teacher to the campsite. Uzi zoned out while everyone talked. She looked down at the two pendants she had in her hand, one being the choker she had from her mom and the other being the bracelet from Doll.

Khan told Uzi about how Nori strongly disliked the murder drones. He showed her all of her mother's kooky drawings and papers that she had on the absolute solver.

Khan became somewhat anxious after Nori died so he was worried that Uzi would end up dying too. Khan bid Uzi farewell and that's how she ended up here.

"Teacher, what is this field trip?"

"Yeah, Uzi's idea, ask her." The teacher spoke, sitting down on a lawn chair he brought and closed his eyes. Not a care in the world.


"I've sat next to you for years."

Everyone jumped when they heard Uzi speak, spinning around to look at her. "Bite me! I asked to go alone! He's mad at your test scores." Uzi complained, pointing to the teacher.

"No year-end bonus. No learning." The teacher replied lazily, pulling his straw hat down over his eyes.

"So, we're just unsupervised?"

Everyone screamed. There was a loud thud directly in front of them all. Two yellow Xs glowed in the darkness. "Welcome campers! Let's sound off! One, two..." N's visor turned back to his normal cheerful self as he looked around at the campers with an excited expression. V just looked bored.

When no one answered with "three" V got annoyed and shot a random student. The body fell to the ground. Everyone yelled incoherent agreement, seemingly not wanting to get killed by V. "That's everyone! Minus one..." N glared at V for a second, but his joyful demeanor quickly sprung back.

"We've got so many distracting activities planned! So no sneaking off to investigate stuff..." N mumbled, his tone slightly threatening. Uzi blushed in the back, already knowing that he was trying to help her. Uzi's main goal was to sneak off so N knew that she needed no distractions. To help her, he offered to watch over the campers with V. S would be arriving at a later time. S said she had some stuff to do before she came over to the campsite so she stayed back.

"To the bunks!"Just as N started walking he noticed no one was following him. N looked at everyone, disappointed they were all still very afraid of the murder drones. I mean they did kind of kill their friends and families. Silence settled around everyone, but two brave workers solved the problem. Thad and Lizzy walked up to N and V, Thad going with N and Lizzy going with V. Everyone seemed to relax after seeing their friends stand with the murder drones.

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