15 - I'll be okay! You have to trust me.

16 0 1

{S's POV}

When I started to boot up again my visor was partly cracked but quickly fixed itself because of the solver program that was automatically in every disassembly drone system. It's the same for Uzi except disassembly drones don't have powers, only she does. She's different.

My memories quickly came rushing back, causing me to wake up with a jump but I couldn't move. The room I'm in is dark but I can still see a door to my left. There was a singular ceiling light in the middle of the room, it didn't help much. I banged and thrashed for a second but quickly realized this wouldn't help my situation. Okay. Calm down S. I'm in a dark room, my limbs are chained against the cold concrete wall. Even my tail is chained. Smart on their part because I'd no doubt stab them the second I get the chance.

After a few minutes of struggling and trying to think of an escape plan, the door opened, and in came Z. "Ah, you're awake! Took you long enough..." He shut the door before grabbing a chair from the other end of the room and sitting backward on it, looking at me with his arms resting on the back of the chair. I glared at him. If there wasn't a gag in my mouth I'd be cursing him all the way to hell.

"Oh don't look so down. We'll set you free... we just have to wait a little bit. If you rush into things... you won't get anything done right." Z looked down but smiled. "Look, I didn't want to do this. I just knew you wouldn't be able to give up on your friends. After a few doses of this serum, you'll be good as new and I'll be able to set you free!"

I didn't even notice he had a gun injector in his hand when he walked in. I was so blinded by rage and annoyance that I didn't realize it. Great fucking work S.

I quickly looked around the room, looking for anything that could help me escape but it was useless. Z approached me slowly, a blank expression on his face. He checked the fun once over before finally injecting me with the virus. It hurt like hell. It felt like there was a fire burning in my head and torso. My systems glitched more than ever before.

"That's your first dose. That should get the solver program offline for a bit and allow it to take control of your services and software. The second dose will be less painful and it'll allow the solver program to come back online and adapt to your new systems. Then the third and final will finalize the virus and completely alter your mind and memories. You won't even realize that your little friend group isn't your friend group anymore and you'll only know protection for us. You'll only know us as your family and friends. Your only care will be us."

I watched him in horror. Every thought of escaping was gone from my mind, and now I was concerned for myself and my friends.

Sadly I can't give you all three doses at once, each dose takes a total of 24 hours of processing. I'll give you your new dose each day until the last one. Okay, that's all from me! Buh-bye now sister. I'll see you soon." Z threw the chair back to its original spot and exited the room with a wave and a sick grin.

My eyes were hollow with fear. I pulled up a menu on my visor. The menu showed my systems trying to repair themselves and get themselves back online. My solver program was currently disengaged so if I were to get hurt I wouldn't be able to regenerate and heal.

I decided it would be best to power down for a bit to try and regain some energy and see if it would speed up the process of my systems coming back online. Maybe then I could think straight. I mean, I am kinda exhausted. A tiny bit of sleep won't hurt...

☆ + ☆

I woke up and checked my downtime.

47 minutes, 29 seconds, 235 milliseconds.

God my head hurts. In fact, everything hurts. I've only been offline for about 45 minutes. It feels like I've been out for hours. God this is painful, not just that time was slowly ticking by but whatever was in that virus hurt like a bitch.

I glanced around the room and noticed nothing was different. It feels like there's a thousand pounds on my shoulders. I can barely keep my eyes open but I have to keep fighting. If I fall asleep for a long time, who knows what could happen while I'm offline? My eyes were closing from exhaustion but the pain and determination kept me awake.

A noise made me open my eyes wide. God, why the hell am I so jumpy? I looked around the room and still saw nothing. Maybe I'm imagining it. Maybe the virus is messing with my head.

There it was again. It almost sounded like a combination of knocking and the scraping of metal. Suddenly the vent in the seiling burst open and fell to the floor with a loud clang. Okay, nope, definitely not imagining this. I watched with fear and concern. The hell?

"H-hello...?" I stuttered out but ended up coughing up some oil. Yep, nope, talking is most definitely not an option. Not like I could talk well with this gag in my mouth anyway.

Suddenly a small disassembly drone jumped down from the vent. What I mean by small was surprisingly short. Most disassembly drones were pretty tall but she only looked a few inches taller than your average worker drone.

"Hi, I'm B! Serial Designation B to BE formal! Haha, that's funny! To BE formal! Haha!" Who the fuc-

"B! I told you to be quiet! This is quite literally the opposite of what I asked!" Another disassembly drone hopped down from the vent. She was average height for a disassembly drone and had her hair in a ponytail. B had her hair down. B's hair was short and looked like bubblegum, it made her seem childish and goofy but I think that's what she was going for.

"Sorry, but we don't have time for introductions. How many injections did he put into you?" The taller drone asked me as she slowly approached me with her hands up, signaling peace. Who are these people and how does she know I was injected? How can I tell if this is just another trap?

I held up a 1 with my pointer finger, my hand scraped against the cold concrete behind me. She nodded and started quickly sawing through my metal bindings with a small chainsaw she had handy. Literally. She swapped her hand out for a chainsaw. "B, block the door. If anyone tries to get in, you know the drill." She instructed.

"Got it, boss!" B did a little solute. Her trademark disassembly drone X appeared on her visor for a second while she grinned mischievously.

The mystery drone kept cutting off my bindings until there was only my gag left which I was able to easily slice off with my razor claws. "So who are you? How did you find me? Why are you helping me? I have so many questions." I spoke, rolling my wrists. God those bindings SUCK.

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door. B held the door back with all her might. "I'll explain everything later, right now, we have to run." She spoke, moving over to B. "Go, take S and get out of here. I'll meet you at the South exit." She spoke before holding the door with her weight and pushing B off it. How does she know my name? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

"Are you sure boss?"

"Have I ever led you wrong?"

B nodded before grabbing my hand. "C'mon, I'll show ya the way out!" B grinned and hopped up into the vent. I turned to the other disassembly drone. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine! Now go!"

I watched her somewhat sympathetically. She's kinda saving my life here and I'm just letting her risk her own. "I'll be okay! You have to trust me." I was suddenly hit with a wave of deja vu.


"S! You have to go! Please!"

I stared at my... friend? Family? I can't remember the details but I know I'm fond of this girl. We had a connection somehow. We're both worker drones. This memory is from a few years ago...

"How can I know for sure? What if you don't come back? Please, R... don't leave me!" R... why can't I remember her...?

"I'll be okay! You have to trust me." R smiled at me. Then the memory ended.

Who's R? I can't remember... everything's so fuzzy...

"S! YOU HAVE TO GO NOW!" The mystery drone yelled. I looked at her one more time and nodded. "I trust you, R." And with that, I jumped into the vent.

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