5 - PTSD and Stabby Stabby

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This chapter has Russian in it! I put English phrases into Google Translate so if it's not completely correct then I'm sorry in advance, I don't speak Russian. I put English translations next to each Russian sentence for people who don't speak Russian like me. 1300 words. That's all, enjoy!

"What... are you things?"

Uzi awoke from her memory with a jump. Uzi was surrounded by books and papers that were strewn across her room at random. She gazed at the ceiling, looking at the drawing of N and her that he had drawn.

Uzi went through the day miserably due to the events of yesterday. Seeing your dead mother and losing your first two friends isn't exactly a happy thing.

Uzi stood on two books so she could reach her locker and grab her things for her next class. Rebecca and Aiden walked by Uzi and Rebbeca kicked Uzi's books, making her fall. Uzi chucked a book at Rebecca's head but Braiden walked out of a classroom and was hit with it instead. (I couldn't find the name of the drone who Rebecca was walking with so we're just gonna roll with Aiden).

"Yeah, meeting Brad in an hour. Can you imagine going to prom alone?" Rebecca laughed. "Ha, I'd be all like, I don't deserve happiness," Aiden spoke, walking next to Rebecca and down the hallway.

Uzi sighed and walked over to grab the book she threw. When Uzi looked up with the book in her hands, she saw a ton of missing posters on a bulletin board hung in the hallway.

Uzi then looked down the hallway and saw an older worker cleaning up spilled oil on the floor. A camera glitched red and Uzi noticed the camera wasn't facing the right direction but instead facing the wall. She laughed excitedly, grabbing multiple missing posters and rushing to her room. These things could be the final pieces to the puzzle! She might finally have a lead for her investigation of her mother and her past.

When Uzi looked up with the missing posters in her hands, ready to be hung on the ceiling, she didn't see her web of evidence from before. The ceiling was bare. Uzi looked horrified towards her door, rushing out of the room to find her dad.

Khan flipped through the papers about the Absolute Solver that he found in Uzi's room. He neatly stacked them on a shelf in a room labeled "Nori's Kooky Insane Stuff". Khan exited the room and walked into the main living room of their colony "house". Each house inside the colony was like a small apartment. Every worker drone had an apartment that consisted of a room for them and a living room. Khan and Uzi's had two rooms, one for Uzi and one for Khan.

Khan jumped when he saw Uzi glaring at him from the corner of the living room. "My crazed ramblings! Stay outta my freaking room!"

"Personal space for very alarming coping mechanisms, Isn't covered under a-" Khan took out the worker drone manual, specifically the "Maintenance Insane Daughter Unit," "-non-optional family support structure!" Khan continued, putting his hand up for emphasis.

Uzi slapped the book out of his hand in frustration. "I'm sorry for being vulnerable for five seconds, okay! You were never there for me. If you wanna help now, stay distant." Uzi walked away from her father but looked back at him with stern eyes. Khan had a sad expression on his face. He truly was a bad father, whether he meant to be one or not.

"I'm going to talk to N- What is this?" Uzi looked down at the small human skeleton she almost tripped over. It was wearing a black dress and was holding a popsicle. Because that's normal. "Prom dress, child's small!" Khan looked happy again and slapped his hand on Uzi's back hard, causing her to move forward a little bit. "You're grounded from seeing those bad influencing murder drones." "What?" "But I talked to your teacher to find you classmates to go with tonight!" "Huh?"

Khan opened the front door and revealed Lizzy and Doll, the two popular girls. "Sup, freak. Prepare to be popular." Lizzy smirked, her hands on her hips. Doll just waved with a small smile on her face. "I'm chaperoning!" Khan grinned, a bow tie in his hands. Uzi screamed, both terrified and aggravated at the whole situation.

☆ + ☆

"I do wanna be dapper. But, no!" N said, looking at the three skeletons that wore fancy outfits. "That's why you had me find these? We can't interact with the workers anymore, V." N thought back to what happened last night at the colony with Uzi. "We're too dangerous." S looked down at the floor, thinking back to last night and the whole eldritch J thing. That situation would stay with S for the rest of her life. How did that eldritch monster thing even create those holograms? It knew about Uzi's mom and... and Z... how did it know about him... S's thought process was cut off by V's voice.

"Uh, exactly. We show up fabulous. The sad purple one lets us in because she has no friends. We kill everyone and pop her little head off!"

N's sad expression from earlier quickly changed to one of annoyance. "I'm not bringing you for prom murder, V! J went holo-spooky snake crab and we maybe grew up in a haunted mansion! Aren't you worried we have no idea what we even are?" N was now only a few inches away from V, his eyes wide with emotion.

V pushed N away from her and looked at the wall with wide eyes. That shut her up pretty quickly. "Promise me you and that purple thing will stop prying into that stuff." S and V looked at the mirror that sat on the wall of the ship, now shattered from Uzi's eye.

If you free me now, I promise we'll only kill what we need to survive. It's just us three, N. The three murder drones turned their head to the key that lay on the spaceship control panel. It was the key that could unlock V's chains.

☆ + ☆

"Ugh, Doll, do you ever clean?" Lizzy complained, kicking a small robot bug out of her way.

Я положил лист. Они спят. (I put a sheet up. They're sleeping.) Uzi assumed Doll meant her parents were sleeping, seeing as her apartment was really quiet.

Uzi walked in behind Lizzy and Doll and looked around Doll's apartment. To her left, she could see thousands of bugs climbing on the walls of a large room. "Hey, so, thanks for having me, but now that my dad thinks I'm here, I'm actually gonna-" Uzi was cut off by Doll's door slamming in her face. Uzi jumped back in surprise.

"You're hilarious. She's hilarious." Lizzy looked at Doll with a smirk. "You should get ready! You're gonna look so cute, in a brave way." Lizzy put her hands together, acting innocent.

Uzi was about to try at the door again but Doll magically appeared in front of her, blocking her view of the door. Uzi took another small step back, looking from a smiling Doll to a serious-looking Lizzy. To Doll's right Uzi could see missing posters in her trash can.

Ванная комната находится в коридоре слева. (Bathroom is down the hall to the left.) Doll pointed to the hallway behind Uzi. Uzi laughed nervously, slowly backing away from Doll and going down the hallway to the bathroom.

☆ + ☆

"V, if you're hiding something, we can figure it out together. Even if we each only have pieces. Please, what do you know-" N was cut off by V cutting off his head with one of her knives. "V! Why did you do-" S had to dodge V's knife arm from getting her head slashed off too. "I'm sorry S. I just need more time. I need to do this." V kept slashing at S with her knife arm. S had to dodge multiple times before she took out her knife arms and blocked V. "Explain, now!" S yelled, their knives clashing.

"I can't! N's too gullible! You have to let me do this!" "V, you can't kill the workers! We'll find another way! Just-" When S was distracted V was able to trip her and shoot off her head with a laser beam. "I'm sorry S. You have to let me do this. Even if you hate me for it." V knew that N and S's heads would regenerate so she left them there while she flew off to the colony. 

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