17 - Hello and Goodbye

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☆✭ SD-S ✭☆

V tackled me in a hug, almost knocking me off my feet in the process. "Where were you? I- We were so worried about you!" V yelled as she squeezed me tightly. I coughed at the harsh embrace. "I didn't mean to startle you guys, but can you please let me go?"

V backed off a bit and examined me from head to toe. "Are you okay? What happened? Explain!" V stared at me with anticipation and worry.

"Hey, S has had a long night, she needs to rest and-"

"Who even are you? What did you do to S? So help me Robo-God I'll slice your body in two if you so much as laid a finger on her!"

"V, stop! This is R, and that's B." I gestured to R who took a step back in alarm and to B who was excitedly talking to N about probably dogs or something.

V still looked on edge but relaxed a bit. "They're friends. They saved me from my not-so-brother, brother." I sighed and rubbed my head. That injection really did a number on me. Who knew some measly shot could do so much damage?

"What? I'm so confused." V raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms uncomfortably. I didn't want to sound like a brat for assuming, but I knew V was worried about me. It was pretty obvious.

The stiffness of her shoulders, the urgency in her voice, the sudden harshness... I've known V long enough to know she's not herself.

"I know, I'm sorry this is all so confusing..." I looked at the icy lake beneath my feet. "S has been working her butt off all night. D, who pretended to be her brother Z, tricked S and injected her with a virus. If we don't extract it soon, it could corrupt her systems." R explained.

Everyone's eyes widened with worry. "It's okay guys. R's gonna extract it. It'll be fine... Wait, who are you?" I turned to the human who stood next to... J?

"What? J? You're alive?" J smirked and nodded. "Obviously."

I rolled my eyes and turned to the astronaut. "Who are you?"

"I'm Tessa." She put her hands on her hips. "Tessa? As in... the Tessa? Tessa Elliot?" I questioned. "Mhm. I remember you, S. You were such an astounding worker." I gave her a questioning look. She doesn't seem like herself. Hell, she doesn't sound ANYTHING like she used to. This can not be the Tessa I used to know.

"I missed you!" She suddenly tackled me in a hug, causing me to cough up more oil.

"Hey, paws off!" V glared at Tessa. "Oh, sorry. It's just so great to see you again!" Tessa spoke excitedly, squeezing me once more even tighter. I couldn't see her face because of the helmet, but I could hear the fake smile in her voice. There's no way this fake mess of a person is Tessa. She used to be so friendly and free-willed. Why is she so... off?

What's even weirder is the fact that Tessa and I never had THAT strong of a relationship. Why is she acting like we were close? I decided to push my thoughts away for later. Now is so not the time. "Okay, we should really get you some help." R put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded. "Are you guys in a near-death situation right now or can you come with us?" I gestured to R and B with my head.

"I kinda miss you guys after being kidnapped for who knows how long." I smiled weakly.

"Oh we're coming-"

"We need to go, now."

V and Tessa turned to face each other. "We need to get to the labs as soon as possible. We have some uh..." Tessa trailed off to think. "...some important business to handle."

V turned to N and Uzi. "Guys, can't this wait? S needs our help."

I looked down at myself and noticed my clothes were tattered and covered in splotches of oil. I ran a hand through my messy hair and shook my head to fend off the headache that slowly started to take over my thoughts.

I didn't notice Doll standing in the distance. She suddenly teleported over to Tessa, grabbing the key bug before teleporting away and into a nearby rundown area. "Look, I don't care what you guys do, but we're going after that key bug. We need it for our mission. And this really shouldn't be postponed any longer." Tessa nodded to J and she switched her hand out for a gun. "What? I..." N stuttered, trying to think of a solution for both parties.

"Shit. Okay, N and I will go with Tessa and J into the labs. V, go and help S. Once you're all fixed up–" Uzi pointed at me. "–Meet us in the labs. Got it?" I was about to protest when I suddenly started coughing up oil again. They can't go down there! The sentinels, D and Alice, they can't go!

"Guys... no... no! Please, wait." Before I could utter another word, Uzi and N were chasing after Tessa and J. V looked at me nervously. "What's wrong?"

"We need to extract this virus now. Where can we go?" R interrupted V's thoughts, turning V's attention to her. V looked at me with concern for a moment before looking back to R. Her eyes never fully left me though, periodically glancing in my direction. "We have a landing pod... it's pretty spacious inside. What do you need to help her?"

"A wrench and some magnets. That's pretty much it. We have the magnets, we just need a wrench." V nodded. "Uzi's dad has one, we can handle the wrench."

"Guys... they... bad." I stuttered. I couldn't stop coughing. Whether it was just normal coughs or coughing up oil, I couldn't stop. My hands were shaking and I couldn't form a comprehensive sentence even if I tried.

V picked me up and held me against her chest, seeing as I was too weak to do anything. "I've got you, we're gonna help you, everything's gonna be fine." She reassured. Even though everything won't be fine...

"Alright, let's get this party started."

R took to the air with everyone following closely behind her. This is not going to be fun.


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