10 - Issues

24 1 0


I stared at S's body as she started to reboot. S... loves me? She loves me? Did she mean platonically or romantically? What? Oh my god... NO! V! Focus! Focus! S is counting on you.

I have to find N, he'll know what to do.

I hoisted S over my shoulder, one of my arms supporting her and making sure she won't fall. "Okay, time to stop a purple-haired freak." I pumped my wings in a swift motion, propelling myself into the air. I covered my eyes with my left hand as snow hit my visor. My right hand holding S against me.

I saw movement in the woods and I stopped flying, landing on the snowy forest floor. "N! N, Is that you? Please come out. I didn't mean what I said, I was being a jerk. S is in danger, this is serious!"

I heard rustling coming from a nearby bush.


I slowly made my way towards the bush. When I looked around it I didn't see anyone. I heard a snapping noise behind me. Shit.

I quickly dashed right as Uzi's tail snapped its jaw at me. Uzi laughed. I set S down in a snowbank. "I'll be right back." Just as Uzi swiped at me, I was able to slide under her and behind her. I saw my chance and grabbed her tail. Uzi's eyes widened as I swung her around and chucked her across the snowy terrain. Uzi coughed as she fell hard on the ground.

"V, please..." Uzi whimpered. Her visor switched back to her normal eyes instead of the solver symbol. It was almost as if Uzi was back to her normal self.

"New body, same horrors, huh, Cyn?" I spoke with malice, my swords ready at my sides, prepared to slice anything that they came in contact with.

"I... don't know who that is. Can I... talk to N?" Uzi spoke weakly.

"I'll make sure you can't." I stalked closer to where Uzi lay on the ground. Uzi's tail flew in front of me, opening its mouth and biting down on my arm, pulling it off and throwing me in the process.

I thankfully landed in the snow, not too much damage was done. Uzi regained her stance. She giggled manically, the purple solver symbol reappearing on her visor.

Uzi grabbed the sword that was still on my now chopped off arm. She easily kicked it up into the air with her foot and caught it with her solver, launching it at me.

I was able to block it with my attached and functional arm but Uzi was quick. She pinned me to a tree with a wing and grabbed a piece of bark that broke off the tree on impact. I tried to send a missile at Uzi but missed when the piece of bark slapped me hard in the head. The missile flew into a tree far in the distance.

I was flung through the air again, groaning as I hit the ground. This is getting old. Uzi stabbed me in the hand with the same piece of bark, still giggling like a mad woman. She honestly was a mad woman right now. I gasped as pain shot from my palm and down my arm. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

I made a last-ditch attempt and tried to stab Uzi with my tail while her back was turned but her tail just bit off the venomous barb from mine. Uzi's tail let go of the venomous barb and handed it to Uzi. Great.

Uzi pulled her arm back and went to stab me in the head. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. God, I can't believe I'm going to die to an angsty emo.

"Whoops! Easy there buddy!" I opened my eyes and saw N holding Uzi in the air with a hand. She stabbed N in the hand with my tail barb. Uzi gasped and immediately turned back to normal. She seemed normal, except for the fact that she had a tail and wings. Oh and her occasionally changing into an oil-hungry monster. Let's not forget that part.

Of course she has a sweet spot for N. "Haha, ow. Up we go!"

N then launched Uzi into the air with incredible strength. He nonchalantly popped the barb from my tail out of his hand and stuck his hand in his mouth. Thank god for healing saliva. "What did I say about antagonizing her?"

I gave an offended gasp. "You always take her side!" I turned away from him, annoyed that he's always so quick to take her side.

N pumped his wings, launching himself into the air. I grumbled and grabbed the piece of bark that was still in my hand with my teeth and spit it out, shooting it away from me.

Shit, S! I ran over to the snow bank where I had last seen her. She was nowhere to be found. "S?! S!" I searched everywhere but I couldn't find her. I searched multiple snow banks and dug deep into the snow. "S!" Yelling was pointless. She still has at least an hour of reboot left.

Where the hell are you?!

{S's POV}

I woke up in a dark room. I was laying on a table? Where the hell am I? "V? N? Hello?"

"Hello, S."

"W̴̢̢̛̬̪̗̱̟̮̘̝̪͌́̾͌͑̽͛̓̑͋̊h̴̡̛̞̪͔̻̗̖̜̎̿ą̶̦͕̯͔̺̼̹̝̦̝̍̏̈́̑̿̎̅̾̈̌̀̄͠t̸̛̤̮̫͙͓̹͖̿̆̓̾͌̒̈́ ̵̢͇̤̤̟̳̙̟̖̫̎̅̿͝͝a̴̢̨̤͔̹̤̭͆͜r̷̡̛̜̗̬͇͉̱̓͜͜ȅ̸̢̡͓̯͕͓̻̣̾͋̈̏̂̚͝ ̴̡̫̬̤̮̤̤̪͕̀ÿ̷̢̧̻͇̂̈́͊̏̍̌̈́̂̚͠͝͝ö̶̥͕̭̺̣́ͅu̷̻̤͔̦̱̤̮͍̲̝̤̯̔̊́̋̎͝ ̴͔̬̹̑d̸̜̯̜̓̈̓̽̂̏̽͌o̴͙̩̼̺͎̗̲̾î̵͕͑̀͋̉̈́̈̎͘͝-̶͇̹̠͓͖̒͌̊̐͊"

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