6 - The Dance of Death

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This chapter is OVER 3,000 words which is crazy. Once again this chapter has Russian in it so sorry in advance if the Russian isn't completely correct, I use Google Translate. That's all from me, enjoy! :)

Uzi carded her hands through her hair, making it look as presentable as she could. Uzi's eye glitched, flashing to that absolute solver symbol again. "Easy, Robo Satan, not this mirror." Uzi covered her eye with a hand and tentatively took it away a few times before finally letting go and fixing her gloves. The symbol disappeared for a few seconds but then reappeared, the mirror finally shattering.

"Shh! Shh!" Uzi rushed up to the mirror, trying to stop the glass from breaking anymore and making a loud noise that could alert Lizzy and Doll. "Dude, no one will notice she's missing. Just do your thing and I'll let in V. We'll see you there." Uzi could hear Lizzy talking to Doll from the other side of the wall. "What the f-" Uzi got distracted by the sound of dripping liquid. To her right, she could see a substance dripping out of the bathtub in the bathroom. Uzi slowly crept over to the tub, pulling the shower curtain back in one quick movement. Uzi took a step back with a gasp, horrified by what she was seeing.

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N's fingers twitched a little as he slowly gained consciousness again. He jumped up from the floor. "Ahh! No, no no no!" N spoke in a panicked tone, noticing that the red dress that used to be on one of the skeletons was gone. Not only that but V was gone. N rushed over to S's unconscious body, her head fully regenerated but her visor read "Reboot in process... 89% complete."

"Come on S you've gotta wake up!" N shook S's shoulders although it didn't do anything to speed up the reboot process. 89%... 92%... 96%... 100%!... Reboot complete... Please wait...

S sat up quickly, her eyes flashing with fear and annoyance. "S! V's ran off to the colony! She's going to kill everyone!" "I know, I know! Let's go!" S got up but stopped when she noticed the fancy outfits still on the floor. "We have to show up fabulously." S grabbed her dress from the skeleton. "S! We don't have time for-" S gave N an unamused, knowing look. She knew that N wouldn't be able to resist the urge to grab the outfit so she shoved his suit into his hands and started up the ladder. "Come on!" She grinned back at him before fully climbing up the ladder.

N rolled his eyes with a smile and quickly followed after her.

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Uzi stared in horror at the contents of the bathtub. The tub was filled with broken mirrors covered in... blood? Oil? Uzi couldn't tell because of the red lighting in the bathroom. There was no way it could be blood because humans died all those years ago when the core collapsed. Uzi heard footsteps and made the quick decision to stack the mirrors and climb them into the vent on the ceiling.

Doll entered the bathroom a second later and noticed the tall stack of mirrors.

"Как говорится по-русски, упс, я должен был предсказать, что кто-то сможет выбраться из вентиляционной шахты, используя выброшенные зеркала в качестве лестницы." (As they say in Russian, Whoops, I should've predicted that someone could escape out of a ventilation shaft using discarded mirrors as stairs.)

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