21 - Familiar Face and Forgetful Fate (+ A/N)

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S slammed into the elevator, the wires snapping was the last thing I heard as I saw V saluting, sentinels surrounding her as the elevator fell.


But it was too late.

S's screen glitched as we fell. She shook and screamed, struggling to fight the solver for her consciousness.

"Fight it, S!"

But she couldn't.

S lunged at me, laughing like a psycho.

As the elevator plunged, holes in the walls started to come into view, the elevator's walls breaking a little bit and revealing the even more broken wall behind it. "Stop!" In a heat of the moment high, I kicked S away. Little did I know S would fall out of the elevator and into one of the holes and out of the elevator.


"S. S! Wake up!"

"What... ugh..." My head throbbed as I opened my eyes. I saw and felt... cold... tiles... Where am I?

V. R. B. N. Tessa. Uzi. My friends.

I shot up, gasping for air and panicking. "Where are my friends?!"

"Woah, woah, calm down! You're okay!"

"I don't care if I'm safe, I need to know where my friends are!"

"Your friends...? I... didn't see you with anyone when I found you."

"I went crazy... the solver controlled me... how.. when... when did I get the solver? How do I have the solver? What... did I... kill them? What happened...?"

So many unanswered questions...


"Oh my god... did I... kill them?! No... no no no no no..." I racked my brain, trying to think of where they were, but I couldn't remember anything.

"Hey, shh shh shh... it's okay. I promise it'll be okay."

I finally looked up at the stranger before me.

"Wait... who are you?"

The drone stepped closer in the dim light of what looked like a castle. "You don't... remember me?"

"Wait... Z?"

He nodded with a small smile on his face. "Hey, S."

The note below is old from when I first uploaded this book onto Wattpad on my old account. The only thing I have to add to it is this:

~I will be adding cover drawings to each chapter

I just wanted to say thank you all so much for all the love and support on this book. I loved writing this and I'm so excited to announce that there will be a book 2! Book 2 will start once episode 7 of Murder Drones comes out and its plot will be based on that.

In the meantime, feel free to check out my other books! I have other Murder Drones stories, but I also have other stories based on other fandoms and shows that you can go read too! 

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