20 - Can you love me most?

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"Kill them."

Okay, how the hell does this bitch control the sentinels?

Sentinels surrounded us, their annoying clicks and chirps sounding throughout the hall. "What do we do?" N questioned, his tail whipping nervously behind him as he simultaneously pulled Uzi towards him.

"Stay calm, if we make any sudden movements they will attack," R instructed.

"Work with me here..." I flicked my tail behind me, my clicker coming loose at my command. The sentinels continued advancing, their growls now directed towards me.


"Oh, that won't work. Not anymore." D smirked in the distance, his arms crossed arrogantly.

"What the hell did you do?"

"They know the difference between a drone and a raptor, they've gotten smarter."

I know damn well this was his doing. The sentinels we encountered earlier weren't immune to the clicks, these are. These sentinels listen to him.

"Great, the only frickin thing we had a chance with is gone," Uzi complained, her head still hanging low to avoid getting flashed.

Screaming. Agonizing screaming came from a sentinel. "What's-"

I could barely make out what was happening until a sentinel ran right towards me. I thought the sentinel was going to attack but instead, it turned its back on me and stood protectively in front of me and the rest of the group.

The sentinel chirped and hissed at the other raptors who looked at it in confusion and some growled.


The sentinel in front of me turned around, chirping happily and wagging its tail. "Oh my god, Azure! You're right on time!" Azure turned back to face her fellow sentinels. She chirped and tapped her talons impatiently, speaking a language no drone could understand.

"What the hell is happening?! I said, "KILL THEM!!" D shouted in anger. The sentinels growled at Azure, advancing towards her with hostile expressions.

More sentinels joined the show, coming from behind us and advancing on D's raptors, standing beside Azure.

"Okay, what is happening right now?" V questioned.

"I think the raptors are about to fight each other."

Yep, I was correct.

Azure and her sentinel friends fought the sentinels under D's control. The fight wasn't quick, each sentinel battled like never before, oil splattering across the room in elegantly horrifying sweeps.

"We have to help her! Come on!" Just as Azure was about to get bitten by a sentinel from behind, I knocked it out of the way, pouncing on it and stabbing it multiple times before it fell lifeless under my arms. Azure chirped at me before rejoining the fight, helping her sentinel friends against the other raptors.

After some help from the murder drones (and Uzi), the sentinels under D's control were dead and destroyed. D, now being outnumbered, slowly walked away, walking backward.

"Do you wanna do the honors?" I looked at Azure. She nodded her head at me before advancing on D.

"What... What are you doing? What is she doing...? AHHHHHHH-"

D screamed in pure pain as Azure and the other sentinels on her side pounced and fed on D's body, eating him alive.

"Well, that just happened," B spoke in surprise.

TOUCH OF DEATH - Murder Drones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now