19 - Can you keep me close?

19 1 1


We arrived at the labs. V could sense my nervousness, but I kept a strong expression. "These vents go throughout the labs, one should lead to the others. We need to be careful though, D and Alice will know we're coming."

"That's why we're going through the vents." V winked with a smile before flying up and in. I rolled my eyes at her cocky attitude in this rough situation. What happened to being worried?

V's always been strong, I've known that since day 1. She's strong physically, yeah, but she's incredibly strong mentally too. She puts on this facade to hide her true emotions, she goes through extremely harsh situations, yet never bats an eye. It's incredibly grim.

After navigating through the dusty vents, we eventually found our friends. I turned around and motioned for V to be quiet, but to come next to me. The vent was big, considering it could fit both of us side by side.

I pointed down through a vent grate at our friends and V nodded in understanding. Tessa was rambling on about something when she suddenly got pulled by a rope that looped around her ankle and started dragging her down a hallway. "Righty-ho, sources say that way- huh? EXCEPT I'M GOING THIS WAY, SO SAVE ME IF YOU CAN, THANKS!" Then she was gone.

Uzi and N gave each other a quick look before running after her.

"Now's our chance." I started unscrewing the grate when V grabbed my shoulder. "Wait."

I stopped. I heard the sound of a tranquilizer charge and fire and my core started thumping in my chest. "We're too late."

"Shit. Shit. Shit! Beau!" I started unscrewing the vent grate again hastily.


"A baby- robot- untrained- ugh, I'll explain later! Right now, we have to go."

I pushed the vent grate as hard as I could and it clunked to the floor with a loud clang. V hopped down beside me. "What is this place...?"

"This should be a reception desk... except... one with a lot more oil and drone body parts..." I shuddered, noticing all of the broken-down and destroyed drones surrounding us.

"What... who... did this?" V asked, touching huge scratch marks on one of the walls.

"Sentinels, I met one earlier, they're guards for this place." V and I started running down the hallway while talking. "They're contrary to drones. Against them."

"What do they look like? Are there a ton of them?"

"They look similar to velociraptors. They have razor-sharp talons, but their most deadly weapon is their flash. Don't look them in the eyes, if they flash you with the blue camera on their head, you're a goner. It boot-loops you so you can't move and then they have a chance to strike. We're useless against the boot loop."

V sighed, an aggravated and worried look on her face as she nodded. "Shit, wait!" I held my hand in front of V so she stopped running. "What?" She whispered, looking around frantically. "A sentinel?"

"No, cameras. There are cameras everywhere in this place. If we want a chance to save them, we must be discreet."

"Should we try the vents again?" I looked around the cubical we stopped right in front of. "There are three cameras in this room. One on the west wall by the door. One in the east corner. And the last one on the opposite side of that pillar." V looked around at the cameras, staying out of sight while doing so.

"I'm guessing you have a plan?" I nodded. "We can shoot the west camera, then, if we're quick, we can sneak past the other two without being spotted." V looked skeptical. "Are you positive this will work?"

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