2 - Curiosity killed the cat, maybe

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N looked back at me with pleading eyes. N and I have always had a close connection. Like siblings. We grew up together in the same haunted mansion and everything.

I watched N struggle to fight V because he's been her childhood crush. N and V have always been close ever since we were all worker drones. Although they didn't act like it around humans, I knew what they had was special.

N shot hearts instead of a laser beam at V. "AHH- Don't read into this!" I kicked V from behind, knocking her off her feet. I smiled at N as V and I fought. "I got your back N!" I shouted to him. He stood up and I could see him grin from the corner of my eye. N and I fought off a murder-hungry V while the purple-haired worker drone (that I have yet to meet) fought off J beside us.

I could hear J's laugh along with the clashing of metal as I dodged one of V's knife-arms. I looked to my right and saw J charging up her blue tranquilizer. "N! Help her, I've got V!" I yelled. J's tranquilizer exploded into the air with blue light, causing Uzi to fall unconscious for a few seconds. "Uzi!" N yelled as he ran towards the small worker.

V caught me off guard and kicked me hard in the chest, causing me to fly backward into the wall behind me. N had to narrowly dodge V's tail to avoid getting stabbed. J advanced on Uzi as I regained my strength and N struggled to fight off V.

"You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster. I've had prey fight back before... but your edgy spirit is just so... painful?" J looked down and noticed that Uzi stabbed J's foot with her tail. J made a series of incoherent gibberish as she wobbled and eventually tripped on her tail which was still stuck in her foot. "One more buzz word and I'll do it!" Uzi said now standing, her railgun fully charged and pointed right at J's head.

"Equity partnership-" J was cut off by a loud blast from Uzi's railgun. Cheers were heard from the hoard of worker drones hiding behind boxes and crates watching the scene unfold from afar.

Uzi was still pretty weak from that tranquilizer blast that she had endured earlier and her visor flashed a red warning. Before Uzi could fall, N picked her up and gently set her on his shoulders. S walked up beside N with V tied up by her own tail sitting on the ground mumbling silent curses to them.

"Holy hell, Uzi. That was insane! And you too... uh..." A male worker spoke, he had a backwards cap on and a small tuft of hair poked out from the hole in the hat, he looked like a jock from what I could tell.

"Oh uh, N! I'm an angsty rebellious disassembly drone now." N grinned and flashed some cool shades on his visor. He then nudged my shoulder. "S! Serial designation S," I spoke awkwardly. From being taught to kill your entire life to befriending your "prey" is honestly not easy to get used to.

A cough was heard behind the group and the small crowd cleared to reveal an "older"-looking worker drone. If workers could even look old. "I brought the murder drones here accidentally. You chose to leave me for dead instead of just frickin believing in me! And that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week!" Uzi yelled.

I noticed she slapped herself to regain her "edge levels". "I'll save you the trouble, Dad. I banish myself!" A few gasps were heard from the crowd of murder drones as Uzi just sat there in silence on N's shoulders glaring at her dad. Her father didn't say a word in reply, he just looked at her in shock.

"Let's go guys. Everyone here can bite me!" N started walking away with Uzi and I started to drag V again, following closely behind them. "Nice to meet you Mr. Uzi!" N said cheerfully, receiving a slap on the head from Uzi. "Shut it," Uzi muttered. N glanced at me before taking off to the sky.

I looked back at the worker drones for a second. I honestly was pretty confused with my feelings about them right now but I decided to leave them be. I waved before taking to the skies with V in my arms.

Uzi sat on the hood of a car outside the corpse spire looking out into the distance. N peeked out at her from behind the wall. "I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me. Hope you're having important character growth or something though!" N yelled. "Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on Earth, 'cause we're coming for them." Uzi stood up and started to laugh maniacally on top of the hood. I walked over to N and glanced at the manically laughing worker.

"She's got the laugh and spirit." I chuckled.


TOUCH OF DEATH - Murder Drones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now