7 - Build-A-Bear

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Uzi, N, V, and S all sat in Uzi's room. Everyone decided that they couldn't lock up V anymore because she'd find some way to get herself free again. Uzi and N were currently discussing Uzi's powers and how Doll had them too.

"God they can be so annoying sometimes," V complained, blowing bubbles from her bubble wand impatiently. "I don't understand how they're annoying?" I questioned, my eyes flicking back and forth from V to N and Uzi. "I just think it's annoying that N was able to trust her so quickly. We barely even know her! I don't understand why that purple-haired emo likes hanging out with N! We literally murdered people from her colony."

V looked away, her expression bitter and irritated. "Why are you so worked up over it? She's not so bad if you give her a chance. One might even say you're a little jealous, V."

"What? Me? Jealous? What would I be jealous of?" S had caught V's attention when she mentioned her being jealous. V truly was jealous of how quickly N and Uzi became friends, but she would never admit that part out loud. "Jealous of them. How N and Uzi became friends. She's a worker and you're a disassembly drone so you feel jealous over the fact that N could so quickly like someone like her."

"I... I'm not jealous."

S leaned closer to V's face and smirked. "I think you are."

"No, I'm not!" V spun around in her chair, a little blush left on her visor. "Whatever you say." S chuckled and began to pick at the little oil stains that were under her metal claws.

V turned her chair so she was facing Uzi and N, but her side was turned to face S. She looked at S from time to time, aggravated and flustered.

"S, you said you had some papers on the absolute solver?" N walked over to S. "Yeah, they're over here." S led N away to the opposite side of the room to show him the papers she had found earlier that night in Doll's bedroom.

Uzi walked up to V, smirking. "So... you and S huh?"

"What?" V grits her teeth at Uzi, a murderous glare on her face. "Hey, I'm just saying what I saw. I could see your little blush when S got closer to you." Uzi looked down at V who sat in front of her, a teasing grin on her face.

"Shut up, you purple-haired freak!" V snapped, her fangs showing dangerously as she stood up from her chair. "Okay, okay. But you didn't deny anything~!" Uzi chuckled as she skipped over to N and S, looking down at the documents.


After Uzi realized that the answer that they needed could be in one of the abandoned camps, they all decided to get supplies first. The murder drones needed oil as well so a quick supply run would be very helpful.

N carried Uzi while V and S flew beside him, they all landed on the snowy ground in front of the abandoned mall. "This place is huge," S said, entering the huge mall, the snow changing to tile floors the further she walked in.

The group looked around, the huge mall being completely unfamiliar to all of them. "I've never seen anything so huge," Uzi commented, gesturing to the tall ceilings and multiple floors. "Woah escalators!" N ran up to the escalators, but was very disappointed when he found out that they in fact, did not work.

"Sorry N, I don't think these work anymore." S said, putting a hand on his shoulder. N looked down in disappointment. "Hey, I'm sure we could look for some cool clothes here! This mall is huge, there are clothing stores, nick nacks, literally anything that you could want!" S said, flying into the air, her wings outstretched to emphasize the huge space.

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