Chapter 14

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I refocus on the road and head south as quickly as possible. I have a secluded second home overlooking a magnificent lake. I will be able to protect her from this place. I look in the rearview mirror to make sure no one is following us.

"Knox, where are you taking me? You know you're scaring me right now", She said, looking at me attentively.

I snap out of my thoughts and look at her, wondering if she's serious.

"Come on baby, do you really think I would hurt you?", I asked her in my soft voice.

She doesn't know it yet, but she's almost as strong as me. So she could defend herself against any attacker without problems.

"Now that I think about it, you don't look like a psychopath."

These words make me laugh and I can't help but laugh energetically at his seriousness. She smiled in turn.

"Come on, I'm serious. Where are you taking me?"

"I have a second home a little further away. I'll take you there", I said to her, watching her reaction from the corner of my eye.

She furrows her brow slightly and accuses me with a glare.

"You have a second home? You told me you don't invest in real estate."

"Actually, baby, I said that I don't invest much in real estate", I correct her with my smile that makes all the girls fall in love.

"And why are you bringing me to this place? I think you owe me an explanation, Knox."

She turns her body in my direction and waits for me to explain.

"I'm trying to keep you safe like I told you earlier."

"Safe from what?", She says in an exasperated tone.

"I just think you're jealous. You saw me talking to this guy and you felt threatened, that's all", She adds while waiting for my response.

"Feeling threatened, never baby. Against this guy, you're exaggerating. No one is sexier than me.", I said smiling and showing her my body with my hand.

I try to change the subject towards less dangerous territory. If she thinks that Tates can match me, she's dreaming.

This parasite is just a good-for-nothing. As soon as she recovers her memory, she will agree with me. Around him there is only misfortune and destruction. She rolls her eyes, a tic she has kept for all these years.

"It's the return of Mr. Big Head.", She begins with a smirk.

"What is the thing that threatens me?", She sits back comfortably in her seat.

"The threat is the man you were hanging out with earlier. I know him very well, and I know how manipulative he can be to achieve his goals. I didn't want him to get there with you, that's it."

I clench my jaw, hoping she will swallow what I say. It's still too early to explain everything to her. She wouldn't believe me anyway.

"Like I said, you're jealous", She persists.

"First of all, this man is a new collaborator and he was not manipulating me. I let the situation get out of hand a bit more than I intended, so I thank you for that. You saved me from embarrassment."

She then gently presses her hand against mine as a thank you. My heart races at her touch and I inhale deeply. Even after all these years, my body still reacts just as strongly to her touch.

She doesn't yet know to what extent we are made for each other. My whole body vibrates when she's near me, and my hands get sweaty just looking at her.

If you can saw her with this thick red hair that reached down to her waist. Her flawless face and her sparkling green eyes. Beneath his fragile appearance hides a formidable being capable of the most beautiful things as well as the worst.

She is the perfect scale that keeps the fate of humanity in balance between chaos and peace. I let my gaze drift towards her once again. She is so naive right now, but when she wakes up, she will be beautiful, radiant, confident and completely unyielding.

"What?", She asks me when she notices me looking at her.

"You are beautiful baby."

She looks at me shocked that I'm telling her this, but I can't help it when she's near me. I take his hand and intertwine my fingers with hers.

"Especially in this dress. If I told you everything I want to do to you right now, you would be even more shocked", I said to her with a smirk, trying to get her to react.

"Calm down, Don Juan", She said to me in a naughty tone.

"If you're nice, maybe I could let you show me your room", She said, biting her lower lip.

I quickly turn towards her in shock at her words. Is she serious? I see her cheeks turn slightly pink. Is she starting to feel our connection? I couldn't say at the moment.

"Baby, if you continue to excite me like this, we will definitely never make it to my room."

I place my hand on her thigh and caress it gently. We stay like this for the rest of the trip. After a while, I notice that Novalie has fallen asleep.

Her head rests against the car window. Her face is relaxed, and her breathing is calm and even. She seems so peaceful and innocent right now, all I can think about is picking her up and holding her close to protect her from the obstacles that are coming her way. She doesn't yet know how much energy she will have to deploy to save the world.


I park in the house's underground garage, turn off the engine and get out of the car. As I approach the driver's door, Jax, my commander in chief, emerges from the house and approaches me.

"Everything has been checked, and there is no trace of Tates' men", He reports in his authoritative voice.

"Perfect. And the troops? How many are in office?", I asked him about our staff in place to ensure the safety of Novalie.

"About fifty heavenly soldiers are in place. Anya and Neven should join us shortly", He specifies.

"Very good, thank you Jax. Let's meet in fifteen minutes at my office."

He nods at me in approval and leaves towards the east wing of the mansion. Jax is one of my best men. It has served me since the dawn of time. He leads my troops of soldiers.

He is a master in the art of combat and military tactics. He trained each of the soldiers he leads. They are loyal to their commander and obey any order given.

Most of the troops are at the edge of the territory to maintain a watch and stay alert. Several others should join us shortly. Our specialists Anya and Neven are the best celestial soldiers I know. They were created to protect the world from the children of the Night.

I walk to the passenger door of my car, open it and take Novalie in my arms. She mutters in her sleep and clings to me like a koala to a tree branch.

I easily lift her and head towards the door leading into the house. She is unaware that she releases an incredible amount of radiation when she is angry, which exhausts her greatly. I know that she needs to rest after exerting so much energy.

She will not wake up for several hours. I cross the gigantic living room and climb the stairs that lead upstairs, two at a time. I enter my room and place Novalie on the bed.

I gently take off her mini dress and shoes. I inhale sharply when I discover the super sexy underwear she is wearing under her dress. I use all the willpower I have left to avoid touching every part of her bare skin.

I place her delicately under the covers and gently place my lips against her forehead to place a light kiss there. I do a final check of the place and head to my office to discuss what's next with Jax.

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