Chapter 24

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I'm starting to stress. I've been sitting in the car like a fool for an hour already. I know it, because I see the minutes ticking by on the car dial.

It's dark and I can't see anything around me. Knox pulled over on the side of the road just before reaching the mansion. He was afraid that it wasn't yet secure and he wanted to inspect the premises before I entered.

He asked me again to promise not to get out of the car unless he came to pick me up himself. Since I've been waiting, I feel as if someone is watching me.

It even feels like a horror movie. I play the role of the innocent girl who is too stupid to realize that she has fallen into the trap and is the first to die.

I sigh and try to clear my mind. I turn on the music and increase the volume. I'm starting to lose my patience, and a feeling of anxiety tightens my stomach.

"What if something had happened to him?" I thought suddenly in panic. Maybe I should go and see.

Just as I gather my courage and unlock the door, a huge boom is heard. The car rocks under the effect of a weight on the hood. I scream in fear as a woman appears standing in front of me with a huge sword in her hand.

My heart threatens to stop beating from fear. She looks at me fiercely, kneels on the hood of the car and sniffs the air for a scent. She has a beastly face and her eyes are as black as night. Her skin is as white as snow and has purple stripes.

I panic as she raises her fist to smash the window. I suddenly open the door and rush out into the darkness of the night. I'm not very far from the mansion and I hope to get there before this psychopath catches me.

I started to run as if I had never run before, heading towards the meadow. This seems to me the quickest way to get to the mansion.

As I continue my frantic run, I try to look over my shoulder to see if this thing is following me. When our eyes meet, I see fury in hers. She then emits a blood-curdling scream. It sounds like the grinding sound of an object on a board.

She then launches into the air, spreading her wings. I can see the gleam of its leather wings in the moonlight. Noticing that she's rushing towards me, I turn around to concentrate on my objective, which is to arrive at the camp.

There must be guards who can help me with this thing, I thought. I suddenly hear the sound of wings beating just behind me, so I instinctively lean towards the ground to avoid my attacker.

A growl is heard, and I see her turn around. I quickly get up and continue my frantic run. I see the lights of the mansion on the horizon, which gives me hope. An impact is then felt in my body. It's the same feeling we get when our car suddenly breaks down and we're thrown forward.

I find myself with my face pressed into the ground, and a searing pain runs through my rib cage, which seems to have broken my fall. This woman lands right in front of me. I can see his black boots a few steps in front of me.

"Get up!" This thing orders me in a squeaky voice.

I don't have to be told twice and I get up as quickly as I can. The adrenaline coursing through my veins helps me in my attempt to stand up.

I find myself facing the woman at a certain distance. For a moment, I wondered if I could get around it and continue on my way.

"Don't even think about it," she says harshly. I will catch you easily.

"What do you want? " I said to her in my firmest voice.

I see this woman smiling with all her teeth, well with the few teeth she has left.

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