Chapter 15 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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I wake up because I'm completely soaked. A dampness sticks to my skin and I feel as if I'm suffocating.

I try to liberate myself from the heavy blankets that cover me. I push them as far away as possible, hoping to get some fresh air. I hear a groan beside me.

I open my eyes and see that I'm in an unfamiliar place. I look around the room I'm in, and what's around me amazes me. I'm lying in a huge bed filled with cushions and pillows. We could easily sleep with five people without getting stuck.

The walls are bright white, and the windows completely cover the left one. They show a glimpse of the surrounding exterior, and a faint morning glow slowly emerges, telling me that it's still very early. In the distance, the mountains overlook an endless river.

A forest of deciduous and coniferous trees has a wild effect on the surroundings. No other house is visible for miles around as if we were alone in the world.

I turn to the right and see that Knox is next to me, lying on his stomach completely naked. His hands rest under the pillow and his head is turned towards me. His face is peaceful, and his breathing is regular. I can see the valleys of bulging muscles running across his broad shoulders, back and buttocks. His tanned skin is smooth and flawless.

"He's totally delicious," I thought, biting my lower lip.

His muscular legs are wrapped around mine like vines around a tree. Now I better understand why I'm so hot. I don't dare moving for fear of waking him.

His tattoos are truly impressive! They cover both of his arms and continue their route to his upper torso and back. I can't help sliding my fingers gently over his skin, hypnotized by the scene it represents. I continue my inspection and notice that his tattoos depict winged beings fighting against demons. At the centre of this masterpiece is a bird that spits flames.

  "Hey..." Knox said to me in his sleepy voice.

"How does this man manage to be so sexy without doing anything?» I asked myself. I stop touching him and answer.

"Hey... Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Why are you stopping?" He asks me, opening one eye.

"I couldn't help but touch your tattoos while I was looking at them," I confessed to him.

He gives me a half-smile when I put my fingers on him again. I don't know why, but this scene seems familiar. I slide my fingers over his warm skin again to touch the firebird. He shivers at my touch. He turns onto his back, pulling the sheet up to his hips.

"What is this bird?" I asked him suddenly curious.

He stares intently at me with his deep blue eyes as my fingers trace the black ink.

"It's a Phoenix," he told me seriously, looking at the firebird himself anchored in his skin, just above his heart.

"What is a Phoenix?" I questioned him again, suddenly intrigued.

Knox brings his face closer to mine, cups my face with his large hand, and observes me for a moment before kissing me gently. He withdraws and speaks softly.

"He's a unique and immortal being endowed with incomparable beauty."

I look at this bird and a feeling of pride suddenly overcomes me. He's so handsome! His strength shines through his posture and the way he spits flames.

"His strength and powers are immense and allow him to fight demons alongside the winged guardians," he continues, observing me attentively as if he was expecting something from me.

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