Chapter 25

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It's been a week since Novalie regained her memory, well, part of her memories. I don't know why, but she seems to have forgotten our connection. She feels a connection, but it's not strong enough for her to surrender and trust me.

She says she still has memories of us in different places and times coming to the surface, but a blockage seems to prevent our bond from solidifying like the other times. This affects me more than I let on. Our bond, incomplete, makes my soul fragile.

To help the situation, she and Anya spend most of their time together, laughing and smiling like old times. This fact exasperates me, but I'm still happy that she finds in Anya an ally and a friend who can guide her in this endless war.

Novalie has resumed training with the other guards in order to get back into shape and strengthen her muscles. I watch her carefully, while staying back to supervise her progress.

She's magnificent as she parries her attacker's blows. She retaliates with ardour, giving him a hard time. Her body moves gracefully as she performs combos and dodges attacks. Her skin shines under the rays of the morning sun. As I continue my contemplation, Anya joins me.

"Still lurking around her, I see," she told me with a friendly nudge.

"I'm just supervising everyone's training," I tell her in a voice that aims to be indifferent.

"Come on, Knox! Don't tell me you aren't drooling over Nova's body right now. I've been watching you for a while, watching her," she said to me, looking at me with an accusing look.

"I'm just making sure her powers are under control and everything is happening as it should," I tried to convince us both.

She raised an eyebrow and said, "Um, hum," not believing me at all.

"Since she spends all her time with you, is there anything new in the advancement of her memories? ", I asked, suddenly curious.

"Unfortunately, no. It's always the same thing. Her memories of your relationship come back sporadically, but she has a certain blockage in confirming it," she finally tells me reluctantly.

My heart sinks as Anya confirms my doubts. I don't understand why this is blocked. It never happened that way. Usually, she sees me, which reactivates her memory; she recognizes me and our relationship can continue.

This time, nothing is happening as usual. I have to exert all my energy to calm my instincts while she's near me. I wouldn't want to put pressure on her, forcing her when she doesn't feel the same way as me.

This forces me to stay at a distance, because my whole being wants to hold her, kiss her and make love to her all the time.

I smile as Nova has just cornered her opponent against a tree, placing her sword on his neck. He gives up and Novalie releases him, happy to have won the fight. She looks at me. As her eyes find mine, she smiles tenderly.

"Don't despair, Knox," Anya tells me as she approaches Novalie to congratulate her on her victory.


I sigh loudly as Jax and Neven give me a summary of the surprise attacks Asher has been orchestrating for a week now. He seems convinced that he can get Novalie back. These attempts have remained unsuccessful so far, thank goodness.

On the other hand, these repeated attacks weaken our troops, because our men don't have time to rest. Asher sends demons every day to keep us on our guard.

It's a strategy that seems well thought out for someone like Asher. Weaken us to better invade us. He has always used every possible stratagem to attack us mercilessly. I can say that this technique is by far the most ingenious.

"Jax, what about reinforcements?" I asked him, turning in his direction.

"Approximately fifty soldiers should arrive within two or three days at the latest," he replied with conviction.

"Neven, can you and Anya double up on guard duty?" I asked him, turning in his direction.

If they can overcome the temporary manpower shortage, it would allow reinforcements to arrive and give our troops a chance to rest. Without hesitation, he replied:

"We'll take the extra rounds, no problem," he told me, nodding in affirmation.

"Alright. I'll double mine, as well, and then we can free up a quarter of our men so they can have some time off," I told Jax.

He nods, satisfied with our plan. He hesitates for a moment before questioning me.

"And what about Novalie? He asks, running a hand along the back of his neck, suddenly uncomfortable. She's doing well in her learning. For the last few days, she has been harassing me, asking when she will have her first shift.

" No! I got carried away. There's no way she's going to participate at this point. She's only just regained her powers and I wouldn't want a demon to hurt her," I finished a little abruptly.

"Knox, think about it. I think she's in control."

I glare at Neven, but he keeps talking.

"You see it the same way as me, man." I'm still in love with this girl who defeated that bitch Deidra," Neven said, his eyes filled with stars.

I don't like people trying to change my mind about Nova. She's under my responsibility and everyone knows it. I don't want anything to happen to her, because I don't want to lose her; I don't know how long she will be gone.

"I said no and I don't want the subject to be discussed again. I'm the only one who will judge when she's ready. At the moment, she isn't," I said, getting up in anger.

I start walking around the room to calm my thoughts. I haven't been myself for a while. I feel like emotions are overwhelming me, emotions that I'm usually able to handle.

There, nothing is going well. It all depends on Novalie's reluctance towards our bond. She's my other half; without it, I lose my way. I'm missing a piece to be whole, in control, and at my best.

Without her by my side, this will relentlessly lead to consequences that I don't want to experience right now.

"Okay, man. If you say she's not ready then I'll let you have the pleasure of telling her," he told me with a suppressed smile.

On the one hand, I don't want Novalie to take part in guard duty, but on the other hand, she could reduce the pressure that the others have to take on their shoulders and be an important help.

My fear of losing her is growing so much in my chest that it's impossible for me to approve of such a choice. Neven knows Nova almost as well as I do and he knows that her temper can be explosive when people get in her way.

I sigh, thank everyone and quickly leave my office, still feeling angry and afraid.

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