Chapter 26

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I quickly headed to the common room to find the person who occupied all my thoughts.

I look around the room, but I can't find her. I see her outside and she's standing facing the river which undulates like a snake through the mountains. She seems absorbed in her thoughts.

She's still wearing her training uniform, which fits her body like a second skin. As I walk towards her, I see her shivering and clutching her arms to her chest. I grab a blanket from the couch and go out to meet her.

I approach her and place the blanket on her shoulders. She grabs my hand just as I'm about to take it off her shoulder. She turns to me with a smile on her lips.

"Thank you Knox. It's a gesture that goes straight to my heart."

"How do you feel?" I ask her, putting my eyes on his face.

Her hair glows under the sun's rays and they illuminate her face.

"She's beautiful," I tell myself, unable to stop admiring her as soon as I'm near her.

I move even closer to her. I would like her to confide in me like before. Since last week, I feel like she's avoiding me. This all seems less natural than before.

What doesn't help is that I haven't had a chance to talk to her one-on-one since the attack, and I want to be sure that she's handling the situation well.

I still remember his arrival alongside Anya, even though I had forbidden her from leaving the vehicle. I glared murderously at the weasel, thinking she wouldn't be able to resist getting Novalie into the car.

While she had made it clear to me that she hadn't disobeyed me, I then saw Novalie completely naked, her body covered in soot. I rushed to cover her with my jacket to protect her from the eyes of the others around us.

"Little by little, I think I'm finding my feet," she tells me as she turns back towards the magnificent view in front of us.

I pull two chairs forward so we can sit down. I sit comfortably and wait for Nova to do the same. She takes me by surprise when she sits comfortably on my lap.

I wrap my arms around her. She sticks to my body and places her head on my chest. A feeling of absolute calm and well-being invades me instantly.

"I saw that your training is progressing well," I began.

"Yeah, I think I enjoy fighting your guards," she said to me with a playful voice.

"Hmm, I can say they took a blow to their pride," I told her, still remembering the faces of some of them after she massacred them.

"I imagine getting your ass kicked by a woman like me can leave a bitter taste," she sneers.

I let a laugh escape my chest. How good it makes me feel to have her close to my heart. Her presence is like a balm on a gaping wound. It's calming and comforting.

A silence settles between us allowing us to soak up this moment. I hug Novalie tighter and place a kiss in her hair. I feel her relax in my hands and a contented sigh escapes her lips.

"Knox, you have to let me help," she says after a moment.

"I know... I sighed. But I think it's still too early. You've only just regained your powers and you're just starting to perform well in your training."

"Exactly Knox, how do you think I feel about this whole thing. I feel useless when I could be doing so much more."

"Nova, you should know that during your awakening phase, you're more vulnerable and that you haven't yet mastered everything. You have to be patient."

"I can't stop this desire to help the team, to do more and to be at your side like before," she told me, suddenly overcome by a passionate speech.

I feel it deep down that she's ready, that she's strong and that she's in control. On the other hand, an inner voice screams at me to protect her and not let her participate. An intuition? I couldn't say.

"I know that, but I'm still undecided. I think you need to be patient and that may be in a week or two, you could start your shifts," I conceded, wanting to give him hope.

Her eyes light up as this idea seems to germinate within her.

"How about I patrol with you," she suggests, looking at me.

I'm not sure this is a good idea. I tell her, but she looks at me with doe eyes, pleading.

"Come on, Knox, please. I will even listen to you without protesting."

"Baby, since when do you listen to what people tell you? Usually you just do what you want," I tell her, knowing full well that she's going to win this game and I can do nothing about it.

"How do you expect me to trust you if you don't even trust me enough to take me on patrol with you?" Besides, you will always be with me and you will be able to protect me at the same time," she defends herself.

Like I said, she wins every time. I'm not in a position to refute her arguments, because I know she's right. I have to trust her so that she can trust me in return.

"What if that's the problem between us?" I thought.

If I start to trust her, maybe the bond between us will strengthen.

"Okay, you win," I conceded. On the other hand, you must obey all my orders without hesitation. Do you understand?"

"I promise Knox. I will listen to you wisely, she begins. I'm so excited I might even jump for joy. When do we start?", she continues, as excited as a flea.

"Tonight, I'm taking the shift of Solene," I replied. But first of all, we need to find you a weapon that fits you," I told her.

"A sword like during training?", she asks me.

"No, these swords are mainly for training. The weapon I'm talking about is an extension of ourselves. It comes to us as we call it. It's linked to us and it's unique to each of us."

"And where will I find such a weapon?" Novalie asks me.

"We need to stop by the celestial armoury first, that's where the weapons used in battles with demons are stored."

I feel Novalie leave my knees to stand up. She holds out her hand to help me stand up. I climb to my feet and look at her for a few moments. She can no longer hold still, she's so excited by my words.

"Knox, where is the armoury?"" she asks me.

I take her hand and lead her inside the mansion. I go down the south staircase, along the main hallway, and come to a locked door.

I run my hand over its surface and close my eyes to concentrate. I clear my head and let my heart speak.

The door searches my soul for an answer. It found a pure heart, as it was looking for. After a moment, I open my eyes and the door opens into a large room filled with weapons of all kinds. Novalie followed me, not letting go of my hand for a moment.

"What was that thing?" she asked me in amazement.

"We put a spell on this place a long time ago. Only a kind heart, or a pure heart can enter this place."

"It's incredible!"

"You haven't seen anything yet," I tell her as I lead her into the huge room.

"Oh my God!" she breathes as she enters this vast place.

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