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I slowly wake up in the morning by the slight rustle of Leah's clothes, I look at her getting ready for work. She looks so serious, straightening her pants and fixing her hair. I sit up in bed, watching her with a slight pout on my face.
-Do you really have to go today? I whine, even though I already know the answer.

-Oh hello there. She comes to me and sit by my side to kiss my lips. Yes, baby. Duty calls, she replies, firm but gentle.
-Can I...come with you? Please?

I plead in a little voice, giving her my best puppy eyes, the ones that work every single time. She hesitates for a moment, but then sighs as she runs her fingers in my hair.
-Fine, but you have to behave, Maya. No disruptions. Okay? Be on your best behavior.
I smile and quickly answer with excitement.
-I promise!
I jump out of bed to get ready as she takes her coffee and read her morning paper. As I get dressed, i can't help but feel a bit giddy and nervous. I've always been super curious about her work and what she actually does. I mean I see some stuff on tv, but it's not always real. Is it? I take few extra minutes to look...clean and professional and join her in the car.
When we finally arrive at the courthouse, I'm practically bouncing with excitement.
-Remember, you need to stay quiet and respectful, Leah reminds me as we enter her chambers.
-Yes, Mommy

My eyes and thoughts start wandering around as Leah slowly starts her day, going through files and preparing for her cases. I sit in a corner, trying to stay calm and behave, but it doesn't take long for my restlessness to get the better of me. I uncontrollably start fidgeting with the papers on her desk, rearranging them just to see her reaction.
-Stop that, now. Leah says without looking up.
I pout but obey for a few minutes. When boredom strikes again, I find myself tiptoeing to the courtroom door, peeking out to see what's happening.
Leah catches me and gives me a stern look, as she wears her black robe.
-Stay here and be quiet, I have a long day ahead Maya, please.

I nod obediently and take place on her seat when she leaves.
-All rise, the Supreme Court is now in session. The honorable, Leah Wilder, judge presiding.
I slightly smile at the way the clerk introduced her.
The honorable
It's so official, I think I'll start calling her that.
-Please be seated. Do it quietly.
The voices in the courtroom become harder to hear as my curiosity gets the better of me one more time, telling me to go and watch. I wander around her office for a few minutes, touching everything to distract myself. After a while, boredom sets in, and I decide to explore the courthouse.

Sneaking out, I walk in the hallways, peeking into various rooms. When I stumble upon Leah's courtroom, I can't resist, not that i actually tried, I enter quietly and take a seat in the back, watching Leah preside over a case. She looks so self-assured, so serious and in control. It makes me want to test her limits.

Oh that's bad
Be good and quiet.

After a while, I obviously start to fidget, making a bit too much noise.
She's hot, but this is really boring.
Leah's eyes flicker to me, narrowing slightly, but she doesn't say anything. Feeling bold, I decide to push a little bit further and start whispering to the person next to me, asking questions and giggling.

-Order in the court. Leah says, her voice sharp, tapping her little hammer against...the other thing.
I fall silent for a moment but soon start up again, my whispers growing louder. Finally, she has had enough.

-Ms Bradly, approach the bench.

I swallow hard at her icy tone, realizing that I might I might have pushed a little far, but I walk up to her anyway, trying to look innocent.
-Yes, Your Honor? I whisper, batting my eyelashes.
-Wait for me in my chambers. Now.
She orders me in a calm whisper, almost silently, her voice leaving no room for argument. She signs her bailiff to walk me to her chambers and keep on with her case.

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