Twenty five

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The smell of cooking pancakes wafting through the air wakes me up, gently lifting my hunger up. The comforting scent of breakfast is accompanied by the soft clinking of dishes in the kitchen. Leah must be up already. Obviously. I don't know how she wakes up so early almost every day, I'm always tired. I lazily stretch, feeling the remnants of sleep leave my body, and make my way out of bed to head to the bathroom.

As I walk into the kitchen, I see Leah at the stove, flipping pancakes. She looks radiant in the morning light, her hair pulled back in a loose bun, and a contented smile on her face.

-Mommy! I say, wrapping my arms around her from behind and resting my head on her shoulder.
-Morning, love, she replies, turning her head to give me a quick kiss. Chocolate chip pancakes?
-Yes, my favorite! You're the best!

I grab a mug and pour myself a cup of chocolate, despite the heat. I take a seat at the kitchen table, watching her move with practiced ease. There's something so comforting about these small, domestic moments with Leah.
-You're so stay-at-home-wife material.
Leah chokes on her coffee while I try hard not to laugh.
-Say that again?
-Say what? I don't see what you're talking about.

Once the pancakes are ready, Leah brings the plate over to the table and sits down across from me. I dig in, enjoying the delicious breakfast she prepared for me.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Leah sets her newspaper down and gently strokes my cheek to get my attention.
-I've been thinking resigning from my job, as a judge.
I look at her, surprised for a few seconds, my mouth full, not knowing what to say.
She loves that job!
-It's very demanding, and it takes up so much of my time. I can't do that and run the company at the same time.

Leah's job has always been a significant part of her life. Ever since I met her, and way before that. It also means long weird hours, lot of stress and decisions to make. But still, she loves it.
-Are you sure?
She nods, her expression more serious.
-Yes, I've been thinking about it for a while now. I want to focus on the company and I'll get to spend more time with you. I don't want to miss out on any more moments with you.

A wave of relief and happiness washes over me.
-That's amazing Mama. I say as I leaning in to kiss her.
-I've already talked to the board, Leah continues. They're on...board with me taking my role full time. It'll be like a transition, but I think it'll be worth it.
-I think so too!
-You seem excited.
-I am! I admit. I'm just so happy you'll be around more, I've missed you.
-I've missed you too, she says softly.


Half way through my movie, I start to feel the familiar pull of my little space calling me, and soon I see myself sink into it.
I glance at Leah, feeling a little shy about voicing my desire to slip.
-Mommy... do you think we could have some little time today?
She looks up from her book, her expression softening. -Of course, my love, you know you don't have to ask. Come here.

I almost jump on her lap, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, and rest my head in her shoulder while she gently rubs my back.
We cuddle for a while, and Leah helps me set up the living room for my little time. She brings out my favorite blanket, plushies and some toys, arranging them on the ground. She also changes me into a cozy onesie, making me feel the soft fabric against my skin. It's a small thing, but it helps a lot.
Leah puts on a cartoon for me to watch, and I curl up beside her, feeling small and content. She wraps an arm around me, pulling me close, and I rest my head back on her chest.

-Are you comfy, my sweet girl? she asks, her voice gentle.
-Mhm, I nod, snuggling deeper into her embrace. Thank you mama.

I watch cartoons for a while, the bright colors and cheerful voices filling the room. Leah strokes my hair softly while reading her book, and I feel completely at ease, all my worries melting away.
After a few episodes, I get bored and my eyes start wondering around the room looking for a distraction. Some crayons on the coffee table quickly get my attention.
-What is it baby? Leah asks after I point my finger towards the crayons. Do you need something? Can you tell me?
I only babble a few words, while she looks at me trying to understand.
-Okay, a pen? Pencil? Oh my god.

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