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I look down on my phone and sigh, seeing that Leah still hasn't texted me back.
I woke up alone this morning, she had already left for work, earlier than usual for the fourth day of the week. She has told me the weekend before that her schedule this week would be demanding, so I wasn't too worried. But still.
I had a note on the bedside table as usual, simply saying:
"Morning angel,
I left for work, I'll be home late tonight.
Try to have some fun today, go out.
Love, Leah."

So I did what she said, I went out, basically for the whole day. I explored a new part of the city, wandering through the bustling streets, and enjoying the sunshine and the freedom of the day. It was quite refreshing so I won't complain.

As the day went on, I found myself in a cozy little park, watching people pass by and playing on my phone. I even met a girl, Mia, a friendly girl around my age who striked up a conversation with me like we weren't totally strangers. We've spent hours talking about our lives, laughing, and re-exploring the city together. Now we're back at the park, just sitting on the bench and watching the last few people leave.

-Hey it's getting super late, I better get going before my dad starts worrying.
-Oh right, nice meeting you!

I only realize how late it's gotten, when she stands up , the sun is already setting. I mean it's almost dark, i should probably follow her lead. I quickly say goodbye to Mia, promising to meet up again soon, and head back home. As I approach our house, I notice the lights off. Leah isn't home yet. I frown, checking the time. She's usually back by now, even on her busy days.

I sigh and unlock the door to step inside, the emptiness of the house feeling a bit eerie. I try to shake off the unease, telling myself she must just be running late and I gently stroke my arm to erase the goosebumps. I then grab a snack from the kitchen and settle on the couch, flipping through channels to pass the time. But as the hours tick by, my anxiety grows.

Where is she?

I grab my phone to call her, but it goes straight to voicemail and still no answers to my texts. I leave a message, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Hey, Mommy. Just checking in. It's getting super late, and I...I was worried. I am worried actually. Call me when you can. Love you."

As the clock ticks past midnight, I start to feel a mix of worry and frustration.
Anger and fear.
Why hasn't she called?
Where could she be?
My mind races with possibilities, each one more unsettling than the last. Finally, around 1 AM, I hear her car in the driveway and soon after, the front door creaking open. Leah steps in, looking exhausted and annoyed.

-Where have you been?! I immediately blurt out, my voice trembling.
-Amaya, don't yell at me.
-I..I'm sorry...

Leah looks at me, her expression a mix of fatigue and irritation. She sighs and lets her purse fall down on the coffee table.
-I told you that I had a busy day, I really don't need you questioning me the moment I walk in the door.
-But you didn't call... I say, my voice slowly cracking. You didn't text. You didn't let me know you were okay. I was worried sick!

Leah sighs, rubbing her temples. She stands on the other side of the room and looks at me.
-I didn't have time, Amaya. My day was chaotic. I'm under a lot of pressure these days, you don't understand that.
-And you don't understand how it feels to be left in the dark, wondering if something happened to you!
I gently rub my eyes, feeling the tears welling up inside them.
-I had a great day! I even met a new friend! But all I could think about was getting home to you. I just wanted to come to you and tell you everything! And you weren't there! You weren't here!

Beyond Boundaries (Mommy's Angel) Where stories live. Discover now