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The morning sun filters through the curtains as I wake up, feeling Leah's warmth beside me. I turn to see that she's still sleeping peacefully, a slight smile on her lips. Not wanting to wake her, I gently slide out of bed  for a quick morning routine and head to the kitchen to make her coffee.
As I wait for the coffee to brew, Leah walks in, freshly out of the bathroom but still yawning.
-You're tired.
-Is that a statement or a question?
Leah smiles and walks to me to kiss my forehead.
-Morning, princess
-Morning, Mommy, I reply, handing her a cup of coffee. We really need to go grocery shopping, we're starting to run low on some of stuff.

Leah simply nods and finishes her coffee, signing me to go get ready.
An hour later, we're in the car, driving to the grocery store. Leah seems relaxed, but I can feel a jittery energy building up inside me. I don't know why, but today I feel unusually impatient. And unusually little. I grin and bear, definitely not ready to slip in public.

I sigh when Leah takes another turn for the fourth time. It's way busier than usual, the parking lot is packed, and we have to circle around a few more times to find a spot. By the time we get inside, I'm already annoyed and can feel Leah's slight frustration, even she tries not to show it.

We grab a cart and start weaving through the aisles. Leah takes her time, always calm and methodical, checking her list and adding items to the cart, while I fidget beside her, feeling like the trip is dragging on forever, the need to slip in my headspace suddenly becoming urgent. Definitely not my fault. It's her...

-Can I get in the cart?
-What? No
-Can we hurry up then? I ask, trying to keep the impatience out of my voice.
Leah glances at me, slightly raising an eyebrow.
-We'll be done soon, baby. Just a few more things.
I huff and cross my arms. Whining and pouting as I follow her.

-But it's taking so long! Do we really need all this stuff?
-Yes, we do, Leah says, her tone firmer, you're the one who made the list, try to be patient.
I bite my lip, trying to hold back my frustration, but it keeps bubbling up. As we move to the next aisle, I finally spot the happy colors of the candy section, immediately brightening up my mood.
-Can we get candy?
-Not today, Maya. We have enough sweets at home. You haven't even finished the ones Theo brought you last week. Leah replies, not looking up from her list.
-But I want some! I whine, feeling my excitement changing into annoyance.

-And I said no.
-You can't say no!
Leah stops the cart in a sigh and looks at me, her eyes narrowing.
-Maya, I said no. Don't push it.
I stomp my foot, feeling the frustration boil over.
-This is so unfair! You never let me have anything I want!
Leah's expression hardens, and she grabs my arm, pulling me close, after looking around to see if no one was with us.

-Did you just stomped your foot at me? In the grocery store?
- Enough, Maya, she says quietly, her voice cold. We'll deal with this at home.
Her words send a shiver down my spine, but I'm way too angry to back down.
-No, I want to deal with it now! You're always in control of everything and I'm sick of it!

Uh Oh

Her cold voice makes me swallow hard and I try to take a step back but her grip tightens on my arm, and she leans in, her face inches from mine.
-You are making a scene, and you need to stop. Now.

The intensity in her eyes makes me falter, but I'm too far gone to stop and anything I'll say now will just make her angrier, so I yank my arm away, carefully glaring at her.
-Fine! I'll just wait in the car!

Before Leah can respond, I walk out of the store, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and fear. I sit in the car, fuming, but as the minutes tick by, the reality of my outburst starts to sink in. Leah is going to be furious.

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