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I slighly startle and immediately stop everything I was doing, surprised by Leah's voice. Calm and firm as she calls me into the living room.
Did I do something wrong?
My stomach twists into knots because I know something is up, she rarely uses that tone unless it was something serious or I messed up a task. I hesitate for at least 10 seconds at the threshold, clutching the edge of the door for support.

-Baby, come sit with me for a moment, you didn't do anything wrong, don't worry.
She pats the spot next to her on the couch as i take a few more seconds to look at her. Her eyes are soft but there's definitely a hint of concern in them.
I slowly sit down next to her, still a little bit nervous and my heart racing
-What's going on Mommy?

Leah takes a deep breath and runs a hand in her hair to get them out of her sight.
-You remember Thomas, right? From last time?
-Your son you never told me about before he...
She rolls her eyes at my tone and continues.
-Yes, him. He needs somewhere to stay for a while. His situation with his father... is quite complicated these days, and I agreed to have him stay here with us.

Her words hang in the air as I take a moment to answer, trying to find an appropriate reaction to what she just said. Something other than dramatically suffocate and die.
I mean, it's her son right? It's totally normal. It's completely fine.
The same son who had walked into our lives unannounced months ago, the same son who made my heart ache with his casual cruelty.
No I definitely don't like him. He's mean and rude.

-That's... great. When is he coming? I say with a forced smile.

Leah analyses my expression for a few seconds and reassuringly strokes my cheek. 
-He'll be here tomorrow. I know that you don't really like him, but I really need you to make an effort, you don't even have to talk to him. You understand?

If I understand? Understanding is the least of my worries. I am terrified. His presence would change everything. How should I even act around Leah?
I sigh and gently nod before laying on the couch to scroll on my phone, my head resting on her lap.
-Can I go out tomorrow?
-Oh come on Amaya, I said please.
-No you didn't.
-Well I'm saying it now.
I wait two seconds and look up to her with a smile.
-Still waiting here...
Leah laughs and kisses my hand.


The next day, Thomas arrives with a single suitcase in tow, his expression a mixture of irritation and resignation. Well the feeling is shared friend. I discreetly roll my eyes while Leah greeted him with a smile. He returns the smile and hugs her but his eyes are cold when they glance at me, leaving a trail of goosebumps on my skin.


-Hey, I say, trying to be polite.
Thomas's lips curled into a smirk.
-Hey Amaya.

From the very beginning, Thomas made it clear he didn't like me. And he clearly said it the second and last time he was here. Whenever Leah wasn't around, he'd find subtle ways to dig at me and I don't think it changed.
-I have leave you two for about an hour, I have a quick meeting. Leah quickly says before going in her office upstairs.
Thomas smirks at me as he sits on the couch.
-You never really answered my question Amaya. What's it like being my mom's... what exactly are you? Her maid? Her pet?

I grit my teeth and decide to ignore him, focusing on the plates as I set the dinner table. But his words lingers, and festers in my mind.
Yep, that's Thomas. He has a way of making me feel small, insignificant.
It's totally fine when it comes from Leah, even hot when she degrades me I have to say. But it's so different when it comes from other people. It just hurts and I don't like that.

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