Twenty two

183 11 7

I wake up to the sound of Leah groaning softly beside me. The room is dim and hot, the early morning light barely seeping through the curtains. Leah probably turned off the air conditioner. I turn over to see her curled up, clutching her stomach.

-Mommy? You okay ? I ask, my voice filled with concern.
-Yes sweetheart, I didn't want to wake you up, I'm sorry.
I slightly frown and touch her shoulder to turn her around.
She winces, her face pale.
-I don't feel really good.
-What? I ask more worried. What's wrong?
-My stomach hurts so bad. She whines.

I sit up quickly, my heart racing.
-Let me get you some water and some crackers! It might help, maybe you're just a little hungry.
-I'm not hungry.
-But you need to...
-For gods sake Amaya, I said that I wasn't hungry! Leah snaps.
I startle but don't listen to her, ignoring the pinch in my heart, and rush to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and some plain crackers from the pantry. When I return, Leah is still in the same position, her pain evident in the furrow of her brow. I hate it.
I hand her the water and crackers, hoping they will offer some relief, my eyes already swelling up with tears.
-Baby, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I'm fine. She tries to smile but her expression quickly changes into a sad grin.
-Try to eat a little, please. I suggest softly. It might help.

Leah looks at me for a few seconds, then takes a small sip of water and nibbles on a cracker, but it's clear she's struggling. She pushes the plate of crackers away after a few bites, shaking her head.

-It's not helping, she says, her voice strained.

I sit beside her, rubbing her back gently.
-Maybe we should go to the pharmacy and get some painkillers or something stronger. Do you think that would help?
-No, I'll be just fine don't worry. I just need to sleep a little more.
I simply hum, knowing that she won't change her mind now, and help her lie back down. I set the glass of water on her bedside table and bring the plate back downstairs before laying back on her side.


I watch Leah coming out of the bathroom, her hair attached in a high ponytail and her eyes teary. I then look at the clock and realize that it hasn't even been an hour.
-We're going to the pharmacy. I say, determined to knock her out if she says no.
But Leah nods weakly, and I feel a pang of helplessness. I hate seeing her in pain and not being able to fix it. I help her get dressed after a very quick shower, making sure she's comfortable before we head out.

The drive to the pharmacy is quiet, Leah's discomfort palpable in the air. She parks the car and look a me with a little smile, her big glasses making her look even more tired that she already is.
-I'll be right back, okay? Just try to relax. I'll try not to take too long.

She nods, closing her eyes and leaning back against the seat. I look at her, feeling sad and bad for leaving her in the car.
-I don't want to leave you alone... I say my voice slightly cracking up.
-I'll be fine my love.

She kisses the palm of my hand and signs me to go. I hurry into the pharmacy, scanning the aisles for anything that might help. I grab a bottle of painkillers, some antacids, and a few other over-the-counter medications that might alleviate her symptoms.
The line at the checkout is longer than I anticipated, and I can feel my anxiety rising as I wait. Finally, I pay for the items and rush back to the car.

As I approach, I notice a commotion near the car. A young woman is standing by the driver's side, gesturing angrily. Leah is still in the car, her face flushed with irritation and annoyance.
Oh no...

-What's going on? I ask, hurrying over.

The woman turns to me, her expression a mix of annoyance and defiance.
-Your car is blocking my way. I accidentally bumped into it because I couldn't get out.

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