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-Hey, sweetheart?
Leah's voice breaks through my thoughts as I finish putting the last plate on the shelf. I turn around to look at her. She's sitting in the living room, her focus split between her laptop and the stack of papers beside her. She's been working since this morning, and it took a lot of convincing to get her to work from home today. I really didn't want to be alone all day.
-Hm? I respond, walking over to join her on the couch.
I settle beside her, feeling the comfort of her presence. She gently strokes my hair and kisses my forehead before continuing.

-You've never said anything about going to college or university.
-Yeah? I reply, unsure of where this conversation is going.
-Well, do you want to? She asks, her gaze steady and curious.
-Uhm, I don't think so...
-You don't think so?
Leah raises an eyebrow, silently urging me to elaborate. I shift slightly, trying to find the right words, but there's not much more to say. College has never been part of my plans. High school was enough of a struggle for me.

-Yeah, no, I don't want to. I say, hoping that would be the end of it.
-Why not?
-I just don't. I shrug. Do you want me to go?
-Whatever you choose, sweetheart, I don't mind. I just want to understand your reasons.
Her tone is so calm and reassuring that I feel the need to say something, to find an explanation and tell her everything. So I sigh, leaning back against the couch and just tell her the truth.
-It's just... high school was hard enough. I didn't enjoy it. I can't see myself going through more years of that, you know?

Short, true and simple.

Leah nods, her expression thoughtful.
-I understand. College isn't for everyone. But have you thought about what you might want to do instead?

I hesitate, not really sure what to say.
-I don't know. I guess I haven't really figured that out yet.
-That's okay baby, You have time to decide. And you don't have to do anything, I'm here for you.
I nod as I feel more at ease and rest my head on her shoulder, distractingly looking at her laptop screen.
-I just...don't want to feel like I'm disappointing you.
-Why? Because you don't want to study? I don't care about that Amaya, You could never disappoint me.  She says softly, kissing the top of my head.

We sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, I'm just looking at her working. She's so focused on what she's doing, she seems so...passionate. I wish I had something like that.

-I have to get this done, and some calls to make. I'll be in my office if you need me. Okay baby?

I nod and look at Leah as she gathers her things and heads upstairs to her office. I simply watch her go, feeling a mix of emotions. I really appreciate her support, but now I'm uncertain about my future.
Is she going to support me all my life?
What if she gets tired?
What if I'm just a burden?
What if we break up?

I'd have nothing.

After a while, I find myself wandering aimlessly around the house. I try to distract myself with some chores, but my mind keeps drifting back to our conversation.
Great, now she got it all in my head!

I decide to join Leah in her office. Maybe being around her will help me feel more grounded.
I knock softly on the door before entering. Leah looks up from her laptop, a bit surprised to see me.
-Hey, She says, her tone warm. Everything okay?
I close the door behind me and walk towards her.
-Yeah, I just...
Didn't want to be alone.
Leah signs me to stop talking as she takes on a phone call. I look at her from a certain distance, her voice and tone slightly turning me on.
Literally out of nowhere...
She stands up after a while, looking around for probably a folder or another work-related thing, before standing just in front of me, against her table as she keeps talking.
Is that French...?
I slightly bite my lip and slowly walk closer to her. Leah looks down at me as I kneel in front of her, suddenly feeling like...that's what I should do right now.

I want her, now.
A hint of lust in her eyes, she stops me from kissing her heel and signs me to get up and come closer.
I silently obey, and stand before her, waiting for her next order. Leah's hand grabs my throat and gently squeezes, making me submit to her even more.
Needing her even more.

-Please Mistress, I beg in a whisper, not wanting to interrupt her conversation.
She bites her lower lip as her grip on me becomes tighter. I feel her knee sneak between my legs, under my skirt, and slightly whine at her touch. The power of her gaze on me makes wet, and needy that I uncontrollably start rubbing myself against her. The pressure of her knee against my swollen clit makes me moan as her hand around my neck tightens.

Leah just looks down at me, keeping up with her conversation, her eyes filled with lust, desire and dominance. I can't help but move faster, the weight of my degradation only bringing me closer to my climax.
-You're such a slut Amaya. Leah says as she puts her phone down on her side.
-Yes Mistress...
-So needy, so desperate, greedy for my touch
I moan louder, and freely as I hear her words. Her hand only tightening around my neck until it becomes harder for me to simply breathe.

-I'm begging you Mistress, I struggle to say, please, let me cum...
-Oh, begging already?
I try to nod, tears of pleasure forming in the corner of my eyes as I rub myself faster.
-God, you're so pretty when you beg.
-Please... I whine more as it becomes harder to contain myself.
-Go on.

Loud moans come out of my mouth as all the builded up pressure is suddenly released. My body slightly trembles as I slowly stop my movements and in a last spasm, I fall in her arms.
Leah catches me and brings me to the couch of her office, where she makes me sit on her lap.
-Hey, you're alright?
-I'm yours. I whisper, my head resting on her shoulder.
Leah smiles and gently strokes my hair.
-Well that was new.
I whine and hide my face against her neck as I start blushing.
-I don't know what gotten into me...
-I don't know what it was, but I liked it.
I look up at Leah to see how serious she is, but she simply smiles and kisses my lips.
-I love it when you willingly submit. She smiles and gently strokes my cheek. Let me finish with this case and we'll do something. Dinner probably, alright?

I nod and watch her going back to her seat to finish her work.
-Earlier...I was thinking about our conversation...
-Which one?
-Oh you know...
-The college/future one?
-Oh baby, I told you it was alright.
-Yes but...
Leah sighs and looks up at me.
-Come here. She says, patting her lap.
I walk over and sit on her, feeling the tension ease from my shoulders. Leah's presence always has a calming effect on me. I don't even know why I keep thinking about it.
I mean, it never really bothered me before, and suddenly it's all I can think about.

-You know, we don't have to figure everything out right now. Leah declares, her eyes meeting mine. It's okay to take things one step at a time. And if you don't want to do anything, it's still okay
-I know,... I'm just worrying about the future...
-We all do sweetheart. She replies, wrapping an arm around me.

We sit like that for a while, just enjoying the comfort of being close to each other. Leah continues her work, and I silently watch her, feeling grateful and comfortable, I eventually start to falling asleep.
-Seems like we'll just have to take out.
I hope you liked it.
Take care and be careful.


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