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I sigh as I adjust the neckline of my sleek black dress for like the hundredth time, trying to calm the wind of  thoughts racing through my mind. We were supposed to be out 10 minutes ago but I got nervous and started crying so Leah had to calm me down before i start getting ready. Tonight is a big big night. Leah is going to introduce me as her partner to her colleagues for the first time. Well that's what she said.
What if she changes her mind?
What if they don't like me?
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
-Amaya, please. It will be just fine

I sigh again as I hear Leah's voice from the bathroom, my heart pounding and my breath heavy, a mix of excitement and nerves making it hard to think clearly. Everything has to be perfect.
I have to be perfect

Leah walks into the room, looking stunning in a deep red dress that hugs her curves in all the right places.
I try not to bite my lip as I look at her.
God, she's gorgeous.
She doesn't usually wear dresses, it's so rare I don't even remember if I already saw her in one. It's only for the big occasions. But damn, she literally took my breath away.
-Ready? She says, finally laying her eyes on me. Oh, Amaya.
Leah walks towards me and gently grabs my hips. Her eyes locking onto mine with a look that melts some of my anxiety away.
-You look incredible my love.
Oh my god.
I look down as I slowly start blushing, my pulse racing, making me lose my words.
-Thank you don't look bad yourself. I replied, managing a smile as I close my eyes when she kisses my forehead

We arrive at the grand ballroom at least 30 minutes later, and I'm still a little nervous. The room looks spectacular. Filled with glittering chandeliers and elegantly dressed guests. The symphony of chatter fills the room, and creates an atmosphere that was both lovely and intimidating.

Leah's grip around my waist slightly tightens, in a small attempt to reassure me and help me regain focus as we walk in the room. I can feel the eyes of Leah's colleagues on us, making  my heart race. The room is filled with the elite of her company, all dressed in their finest attire. I sigh to release the pressure, hoping Leah's confidence would somehow seep into me.

We navigate together around people, Leah introduced me to her colleagues like she promised, making me blush a little every time. Most of them were polite, some were a bit distant but still kind. Others were way too kind, probably even drunk. But I still feel some curious glances and hear some hushed whispers as we walk.

-So, Leah, I see you've brought tonight.
We turn around to see a man, tall and dark skinned, probably in around 45. His tone was light but with an undertone that made my skin crawl. He just looks mean and I don't know, a bit weird.

My cheeks slightly burns with embarrassment as he looks at me, but Leah's voice is steady and firm when she answers.
-Yes, Nathan. This is Amaya, my partner.
-Your partner, huh?
-Yes, and I hope you treat her with the same respect you treat me. Understood?
Her tone was slightly colder than when she started and her grip around me tightened for a moment before she releases the pressure and smiles.

Nathan's smile falters briefly but he recovers and quickly mutters an apology before smiling in return.
I feel a surge of pride in Leah's unwavering support, even as the discomfort lingers.
-Of course, Leah. Nice to meet you, Amaya.

Leah stops my hand as I was going to take his and we walk away in silence.

The evening moves on, I try to blend into the background while Leah mingles with some of her  colleagues. I sip my champagne, attempting to appear composed, but inside, I am a mess. A bundle of nerves. The l music in the background only helping a little bit. The event's elegance and Leah's effortless grace through the room were so captivating that I was just unable to look anyone else. The music slowly shifts to a sultry tango, making me smile. I've always wanted to learn tango. It's just so...
A distinguished man, Carlos is I remember correctly, approaches Leah with a bow and a provocative smile on his face.
Leah and him seemed close when she introduced him to me, so I'm not surprised when she smiles back at him.
-May I have this dance?

Leah glances  at me, and I nod, silently telling her that I'll be fine on my own. She slightly smiles and accepts his demand, leaving a kiss on my hand, she walks with him as I sit at our table to have a better look at them. What happens next actually leaves me speechless. Leah moves with a grace and confidence I had never seen before. With a skill I didn't even know she had. I didn't even know she could dance, even less tango. I mean, it seems quite complicated.  Beautiful and complicated. Just like her actually.
Every step, every turn is executed smoothly. She is just mesmerizing. I can't even take my eyes off her.
I don't want to.
As the dance ends, Leah returns to my side, a faint flush on her cheeks.
-You never told me you could dance like that, I say, unable to hide my surprise.

She laughed softly and sits by my side, taking a sip of her drink.
-Well, you never asked
-I shouldn't have to
-There's a lot you don't know about me sweetheart.
-Don't know yet?

Before Leah could respond, a woman approaches her. A sophisticated, elegant woman. They exchange warm greetings, and Leah's face lit up in a way that make my stomach churn. Who is she?
-Marie, hey. I didn't think I'd see you here
-Oh you know, this thing is only annual, I wouldn't miss a chance to see you.
-I'm glad to see that you're back.
I slightly frown and look away, her French accent leaving goosebumps on my skin.
-I see that you're not alone.
-Uhm no, this is Amaya, my...friend.
I look surprised at Leah, but her eyes are turned towards Marie.
The hell? Her friend?
I silently sigh and sit back on my chair, the word still stinging and echoing painfully in my mind.

As the woman, Marie, and Leah talk, I notice the familiarity between them, like the lingering touches, the shared laughter and the looks. Ugh.
I can't help but feel a little suspicious and hurt, a knot of anxiety forming in my stomach, gnawing at me.
I try to push it aside, and listen to their conversation but it won't go away.
I want to go home, we've been here for hours.

I discreetly squeeze Leah's hand to get her attention, not knowing how to act anymore, and silently ask her if we can go back. She smiles at me and stands up, offering a warm hug to Marie.
Okay now I might be a little jealous.

The ride home was silent, tension hanging heavy in the air. Or maybe was it just in my head?
As soon as we step through the door, I turn to Leah, my voice trembling, unable to hold it any longer.
-Your friend?
Leah removes her heels and walks to the living room, almost ignoring my presence. I sigh and follow her, as she heads upstairs and close the door of our bedroom.
-Why did you introduce me as your friend?
-To one person Amaya. Only one.
-Yeah, why? Why her?
-I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, she says defensively.
-Uncomfortable? What, about me? How do you think it made me feel?

Leah sighs again, running a hand through her hair and sits on the bed to face me.
-It was just one time, Amaya. Please, let's not fight about this.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I look at her, shocked. Is it just me?
-It's not about how many times. It's about what you think of me and us.
-You're reading way too much into this Amaya. I'm tired.
-Well you weren't tired when you were talking with her.
-You're not serious.
I stay silent to show her just how serious I am.
I'm not crazy right? It was weird.
-Who is she anyways? You two were literally flirting!
-What? She's a friend Amaya.
-Yeah right.
I cross my arms and look away as I fight my tears. I have so much to ask but I think the next word would just make me cry.
Leah sighs and stands to step closer, cupping my face in her hands.
-I'm sorry, okay? I should have been more considerate.

I want to stay angry, to demand answers and yell, but the warmth of Leah's touch and the sincerity in her eyes just make my resistance crumble. She softly kisses me, and I already feel the tension ease from my body.
-I'm sorry
-Don't be, let's just forget about tonight, okay? Leah whispers, kissing me again.

I nod, letting myself be pulled into her embrace. I want to believe her, to trust that she meant every word., but the doubt lingered at the edges of my mind refusing to be completely silenced.
-You look divine Amaya, I don't even know what to do.

Hope you liked it!
Thanks for reading.
Take care.

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