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I whine almost immediately after waking up, feeling a little off, the kind of day where I crave Leah's presence more than anything. The little voice inside my head reminds me that today will be perfect for some quiet time together, because Leah said that she needed some time off and that I wouldn't need to slip off my little headspace and just let her take care of me.

But as soon as I walk into the kitchen and see Leah on the phone, her expression tense and serious, I know my hopes are about to be dashed.
-Mommy, no...
-Maya, she says, her voice apologetic but firm, there's an emergency at work. I have to fill in for a colleague.

My heart sinks as I feel a wave of disappointment washing over me.
-But, you promised! You said that we would spend the week together...
-I've been home for four days my love. She sighs, running a hand through her hair. I know i promised, and I'm so sorry. But this can't wait.

I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, and I cross my arms, feeling a mixture of emotions bubbling up inside me.
-It's not fair! You're always working!
-Not again..

Leah steps closer, her eyes soft but determined, she cups my face in her hands and erase my tears.
-I understand you're upset, baby . But this is important. I'll make it up to you, I promise.
-No! I don't want you to go!

I stomp my foot and whine to make her understand my frustration. Leah simply takes a deep breath, trying to stay calm.
-Maya, look at me. She says in that calm, authoritative tone that always cuts through my stubbornness,

I meet her gaze, feeling the familiar warmth and security in her eyes.
-Are you sure you don't want to be a big girl right now?
I frown and rapidly shake my head, not feeling in the right space to to that.
-Then I need you to trust me, okay?  I'll be back as soon as I can I promise.
I look at her expression for a few seconds before i gently nod.
-I can't leave you alone though. Not like this. So I called my friend, Marie, she is going to come over and stay with you.

The mention of Marie makes my stomach twist. The memory of her at the fundraiser, talking to Leah with that easy familiarity, still stings.
-Marie? Mommy, no...why?
-Because I trust her, Leah says simply.
-But I can stay alone! I'll be good!
-No baby, I don't think you will. I need someone I trust to be with you.
-But Maya little? I try again in a pout to convince her.
-She knows how to deal with it.

I open my mouth to argue, but the look on Leah's face stops me. She's made up her mind, and there's no changing it. I slump down in defeat.
-Okay mama.

She wraps me in a hug, her touch soothing some of the tension in my body. I feel her kiss the top of my head before she pulls away.
-Marie will be here soon. Let's get you in the shower. Be good for her, alright?
Leah carries me in her arms to the bathroom and quickly helps me get ready for a day home. She then trades her cozy clothes for a strict work outfit before putting on a light simple make up.
-Okay, she's outside. Why don't you go open the door for her?
-Okay... I slowly say, still a little sad and frustrated to see her ready to go.

I take my time as I walk down the stairs, and open the door like I've been instructed to do. Marie steps inside and smile at me, her presence immediately filling the space.
-Hey Amaya, she greets me, her voice warm and friendly. how are you doing?
I shrug, not really wanting to engage in small talk and walk back to the living room.
-Maya. I simply correct her.
-Drop the attitude.
I look up to see Leah walking down the stairs, she greets her friend with a kiss on the cheek and quickly gives her some instructions.

Like I'm that hard to take care off.
-So she's been like this for about a week now and it doesn't happen often, so I don't think she'll suddenly switch to...
-Can I have ice cream? I look at the both of them, but mostly Marie.
I mean, she's the one in charge now, right?
Leah simply rolls her eyes and doesn't reply anything to my provocation.
-I think you should have your lunch first, and then ice cream.
-But I want it now. I say loudly.
-You'll have it later.
-But I...
-Maya, that's enough!
I slightly startle at Leah's voice, and quietly turn around to finish my cartoon.
Okay, she definitely scared me.

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