What is This?

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What is this anymore? It's comedic for sure. I'm just not happy with what I've been putting out. Yeah it'll get a chuckle out of people, but I want people laughing out loud in public to this. I want people looking at you guys in a weird way thinking there's something wrong with you. Maybe I'm demanding too much from me. We're bad at what we start doing aren't we? I'm not posting as frequently, and that's my fault. Again, I realize I may come off as dismissive towards my readers (it's so weird writing that... I have readers...) and it's because I'm not as confident with my growing skill as I'd like, and I use distance to not let it affect me as much. What I'm trying to say is that I know I need to keep writing, but lack of confidence convinces me to stay with what's comfortable. I need to stop that, and the reason I started these bloggish/comedic posts was to keep me ass in line. So far I'd say it's a respectable work, but it could be better. Consider this an attempt to be better. I'll try writing a couple of these in advance, but please don't hold yourself to it. If there's anything you've always aspired to do, Stop reading right now, and go do it. You never know when the urge to start will come back, so take this opportunity to start what you want to do with your life. If you want to learn a completely new language, write notes and practice. If you want to write like I'm doing, go out there and post what you want to write. There's a very likely chance it won't be seen much (prime example is this story at the moment), but remember that as you start writing, it's for you. If you want to sing, film yourself doing a cover and listen to it. You need to know what you sound like. You'll think it's a bad sound, but that's the same with all of us. The point is, you need practice. We all do.

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