Chapter 41

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Several months pass and now it's time for the end of the year exams, we see a montage of various tests. We see Professor Ronen pacing around his classroom while students take their tests. Everett seems to be struggling and tries to copy off Amit hoping the professor won't notice but he does.

"Not much of a Ravenclaw is he."

We see Professor Howin using her wand to project the image of a unicorn on the ground before gesturing to the table of materials behind her students. The scene changes to Professor Hecat observing her students as they take turns facing a Boggart in a closet. We see Natty taking her turn, the closet opens and a man with dark skin dressed in brown robes steps out, her greatest fear is the guilt she feels for her father's death.

"Poor girl." Molly cries, several others have tears in their eyes as well.

Natty falters for just a second before casting the Riddikulus charm at her 'father', a moment later he changes into a cat.

Natty falters for just a second before casting the Riddikulus charm at her 'father', a moment later he changes into a cat

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Smiling, she steps to the side as Everett steps up to take his turn but the scene changes before we see his Boggart.

"No, let us see it!" People pout wanting to see what Everett's deepest fear was, some theorized that it's Professor Kogawa others say it's a professor with extra homework but by far the funniest idea was a sentient broom mad at his lack of respect towards it.

We see Lara standing outside the entrance to the Great Hall, seemingly lost in thought. She snaps out of her thoughts when Natty and Poppy wave as they walk past her, she follows them inside but stops after walking through the doors. Professor Black steps up to the podium to give his end of the year speech.

"Why did she stop?"

Professor Black: "This year we have seen our students exemplify the bravery of Godric Gryffindor."

The Gryffindors past and present roar and cheer, what shocks the present day students is when they see some of the Slytherins from the past cheer as well.

Professor Black: "Allow me to finish. - the loyalty of Helga Hufflepuff -"

The badgers cheer anyway, ignoring his request.

Elizabeth joins in the cheering, people chuckle having grown used to the young Potters behaviour, she loves to cheer on her brother during his Quidditch matches even when her own house is playing against him.

Professor Black: "- the wisdom of Rowena Ravenclaw -"

The claws whoop and cheer, Lara still standing by the doors smiles.

Professor Black: "- and the ambition of Salazar Slytherin."

The snakes calmly applaud, not as many non-Slytherins clap as they did for the other houses but a few do politely applaud.

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