Chapter 6

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As Lara walks down the halls to class, she can't help but be awed by the castle's architecture, from the fancy tile flooring to the various suits of armor to the stained-glass murals depicting important people, items, creatures, etc. 

"Why does the castle look so different?" 

"Every few centuries the Ministry and/or the Board of Governors along with the current Headmaster/Headmistress may choose to renovate or redecorate the castle to make it more appealing to new students.  It was my predecessor Armando Dippet who redesigned the castle into what it is today." Dumbledore explains.

People are left wondering what reason Dippet had for changing the school's appearance when the old castle looked much more visually appealing and welcoming.  The old castle had wooden steps, warm colors, and fancy architecture, the current castle had cold stone stairs, bright tan walls, and was easy to get lost in the corridors as they all look the same.         

Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

As she walks into class she can't help but notice the giant dragon skeleton hanging from the ceiling.



"Well that certainly makes quite a first impression doesn't it." Tonks mutters.

She is brought out of her thoughts when two boys start dueling, one a brown haired Slytherin and the other a red haired Gryffindor. The Gryffindor blocks the Slytherin's spell but the spell ricochets up and hits the skull of the dragon skeleton hanging from the ceiling above him causing it to fall. Right before the skull crushes him, Professor Hecat, an elderly looking witch with gray hair and blue robes comes out of her office just in time to stop it using a levitation charm. 

Professor Hecat: "Perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time. I get new students every year but I only have one Hebridean Black skull. It was a token from the Great Poacher Raid of 1878. No doubt you've heard of it."

Professor Hecat: "Now you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest poacher ring in eastern Wales and lived to boast about it

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Professor Hecat: "Now you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest poacher ring in eastern Wales and lived to boast about it. Knowledge. To the wise, age matters very little. Today we will review a spell that has saved me from death at the hands of Dark wizards more times than I care to remember: Levioso."

"She took out an entire poacher operation single-handedly!?!" Students and teachers are already impressed with Professor Hecat, they wish they had her as a teacher.

Leander Prewett: "Levioso? A levitation charm?" The Gryffindor from earlier asks incredulously. Professor Hecat turns and casts Levioso on him, the unsuspecting student floats helplessly in the air.

Professor Hecat: "A surprised opponent is a weak opponent. Care to defend yourself, master Prewett? No?" The class begins to laugh at the poor boy.

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