Chapter 23

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Divination classroom

Lara makes her way up the staircase to the Divination classroom, Natty sent her an owl saying that she thinks her mother may have discovered what they've been up to and hopes that she will go easy on her if she is there. As she reaches the top of the stairs she sees the Onai's arguing, both see Lara approaching.

Natsai: "You wanted to speak with me, Mother?"

Professor Onai: "I had hoped to speak with you alone, Natsai."

Natsai: "Your message mentioned your concern about an unusual creature that was spotted in the woods near Hogsmeade. That could have been anything."

Professor Onai: "You know what it was, Natsai."

Natsai: "I am allowed to leave the castle. I am always careful, Mother."

Professor Onai: "Careful? Officer Singer disagrees. She sent me an owl telling me that you have been trying to collect evidence of some kind against Dark wizards. She berated me for not keeping a closer eye on you, and she is right. I do not want you visiting Hogsmeade for the near future."

Natsai: "But, Mother -"

Professor Onai: "My little gazelle - you are well-intentioned, but you must not meddle in the affairs of dangerous people."

"Little gazelle?" Elizabeth asks.

Natsai: "If someone had 'meddled' in Matabeleland, Father would still be with us!"

"Ouch, that's low."

Professor Onai sighs and says she has to get ready for class, maybe Lara can talk some sense into her.

Natsai: "So frustrating. She never listens to me."

Lara: "She called you her 'little gazelle'. Is that a term of endearment where you're from?"

Natsai: "It is specific to me. (sigh) I am the 'unusual creature' in Hogsmeade she mentioned. Self-Transfiguration is not taught at Hogwarts. So, I am 'gently discouraged' from practising it. However - I am an Animagus. And it is in my gazelle form that I have been able to wander the Highlands rather freely until now. Much to my mother's chagrin. That is how I have managed to spy on Rookwood and Harlow."

"Why is Self-Transfiguration not taught at Hogwarts?" A student asks the Gryffindor head of house.

"Self-Transfiguration requires complete focus, given how difficult students find normal Transfiguration to be it wouldn't be safe or smart to have them learn Self-Transfiguration on top of that." Minerva explains, what she didn't mention were all the horror stories she has heard of students who tried to become Animagi and ended up trapped in their animal form.   

Lara: "Were you born an Animagus or did you learn to become one?"

Professor Flitwick couldn't help but smile, he would have loved to have Lara as a student, she is the embodiment of a Ravenclaw. Unknown to him, several of the other professors felt the same.

Natsai: "Animagi are not born. The process is quite elaborate. It involves holding a Mandrake leaf in one's mouth for an entire month."

"How are you supposed to eat then? How do you keep yourself from swallowing it?" Elizabeth asks as she shares some candy with her friends, she became hooked on Muggle candy after her parents took her and her brother on vacation in the Muggle world.

"It's not easy, you have to be careful." James chuckles, Sirius nodded in agreement, they remember how Peter - er - the traitor kept swallowing his.

Natsai: "Then placing the leaf in a crystal phial so that it is imbued with moonlight. Then adding one of your own hairs. And that is just the beginning. Self-Transfiguration is common among students at Uagadou. But Professor Weasley considers it much too dangerous to teach at Hogwarts."

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