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Both of them spend a year missing each other but neither of them calls or messages each other.  There were many changes in the lives of both of them in this one year. Fahmaan's father was now alright and he had again joined his business.

Fahmaan also wanted to make his career, he did not want to do office. Work or business, he wanted to make a name for himself.  He told his family that I want to make a name for myself in this life, I want to become a singer. I have great interest in music and I believe that music is such a work in which everything can be done with heart. Whatever I cannot say or tell anyone, I can express my private things through music.  Fahmaan's parents were defeated by his stubbornness and gave him permission to do as he wished. 

Fahmaan was very happy but he was also sad that he has left his first love but he will meet her when he makes a name for himself.  Fahmaan went to Canada after a year and took music classes there and became a great singer.  There was pain in his voice and that was only due to being separated from the Sumbul. Fahmaan became such a great singer only because of Sumbul's love. Fahmaan's loving voice which comes out, makes people's hearts sing, And the pain and yearning that is added to his words with love, drives people crazy. But the reason for that was Sumbul. Fahmaan used to write and sing every word of every song related to Sumbul. He became such a big singer, now his only intention was to surprise Sumbul directly. He will go to meet her in Mumbai, without telling her or calling her.

Now it had been 5 years since he was living in Canada and his career was set.

Sumbul's life had also changed, there was not a single day when she did not miss Fahmaan. And as always in her life only those things happen which she has not accepted.

Sumbul used to work and was studying in college from home. Two years passed and her studies were completed. She completed her graduation. Now she also wanted to make her career but unacceptable things happen in her life. But this time whatever things happened in her life, they were very good but she was not happy.

Earlier, when she was a child, she lost her parents. Then he had just started living with fahmaan, but fate took him away from her too.  She again began to feel alone and helpless. Then some happiness came into her life too, but she was not at all happy with this happiness. She brought this happiness to keep herself busy.

Once Sumbul had gone to a resort with her neighbour brother, many big producers had come there. Actually there was a party going on there, a party of stars. Now in these three years Sumbul had grown up, her curves, body shape, figure were no less than any model. Yes, her colour was still not fair. But the color of her skin was not so dark and now it had become more bright than before. There she met a man who was very handsome and young. he was also hot, he had dark brown eyes.  His name was Yuvraaj.

Yuvraj had decided to make Sumbul a model after seeing her for the first time. Like Fahmaan, he too had become like the innocence of Sumbul. Yuvraj went near Sumbul's table and started talking to her.  Sumbul was trying to refuse at first but then Yuvraj gave her his card and said, look at it, if you want to make a name in life then call me.  Yuvraj went away from there.

Sumbul and her brother came home. The idea of making a name was coming again and again in Sumbul's mind.  Sumbul thought a lot and decided that this is a good idea and my career will also be set. But I don't even know about modeling. She went to sleep and in the morning she shared the matter with her neighbor friend, she too was happy and asked her to say yes. Sumbul called Yuvraj and told him everything that she does not know modelling.  Yuvraj said that I will teach you, you just come to me. It is very difficult to find a perfect body and an innocent face like you in this world. Then the deal for both was finalised.

Sumbul also became a very big top model after two years. Then she started getting many offers to act in music. And her career was also set. Her last wish was that she could meet Fahmaan once.  Even if he doesn't love me, I should meet him once at least for friendship. 

Both were longing to meet each other but both were busy in their own lives. Both of them got a lot of offers. The faces of both were published in every magazine.But fate is such that both of them never knew about each other nor did they try to know. Both of them became busy in their fame life. Yes, both of them were blind in fame in the eyes of all the other people. But the truth was that both of them kept themselves busy so that they could miss each other less. Because both of them had become each other's weakness. When both of them sat down missing each other, they started remembering each other and then for the whole day both of them did not do any work, they just cried missing each other.

In this way the careers of both were set. There is not a single day when both of them did not wish each other good morning as soon as they woke up in the morning. Then their whole day becomes busy and as soon as they go to bed at night, both of them think about each other to see how they would be now.

Fahmaan was thinking whether Sumbul would still be innocent and shy or would still be afraid of someone’s touch. But whoever it is, I want my innocent Sumbul only when I meet her.

Sumbul used to wonder whether Fahmaan still misses me. And how would he look, now he must have become a hot man, Hott handsome he was very hot already.  Would he have got a girlfriend? Or else someone might have been rejected. Even now many girls would be proposing.

And in this way both of them go to sleep while talking and thinking about each other.


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