Chapter 34: The Crafts V

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The boy disappeared, Xander flinched and moved back. He stood for a while, he moved to the shower. He turned it on, it was cold to the core. He loved it. 

      His phone rang, he couldn't pick it but with his supernatural sight he could tell it was Aster. 

      Why would Aster call him by this time? 

   He continued with the shower until he was done. He saw three missed calls and four text messages from Aster. 

        He seemed too friendly on the first meeting and now during his first set of messages sent. Xander replied in a friendly way. 

        Aster sent two voice notes, both containing strict warnings about his father's new zeal for the seven galaxies connecting. Xander knew it was trouble. He decided to drive out to see Galen. It was 7:59pm when he drove out to the astral outpost to meet him there. 

    On getting there, Galen already finished his experiment but Xander could see the marks on the ground. He drove away to the laboratory, he stormed in yelling, "Dad!"

      Galen recognized the voice, he waited for his son to get to him. "Xander I know you see the light, I have legal permits to do so. Don't argue."

        "Dad, this is dangerous, you need to stop."

      "Aren't we all? Science is danger itself. You should know this. Shouldn't you?"

       "Yes but please get my point across. To balance this, you'll need both Vexis and Void. They'll know more about the dark side. Do you understand me?"

        "Where are they then? Do they look like they've got interest in me or my works?"

       "That's because it's extremely deadly."

     "Xander? Aren't they the deadliest and darkest amongst us all?"

     "Yes but there's something worse, something even darker. A person who could end it all if she wanted."

     Galen stood on his feet, "Who your mother, she's already dead. What else? What's more dangerous among us?"

      Xander felt like that was offensive. Still. He ignored it and said, "I don't know her name but we are trying to find out."

       "You don't even know, and who's we?"

     "Me, Zephyr and others I guess."

    Galen puffed out, he walked out saying, "see you at home Alex."

         Xander walked behind him, Galen drove home, Xander followed behind him. 

      They got home, Xander walked into his room. Galen stayed with the kids, and Apex sent a letter to his room. He dropped it on his bed, and Xander took it. It has a seal he had seen before now. 

         It reminded him of one person, Apex. "Apex? You have a very funny way of leaving hints and descriptions. Imagine if someone saw this, you need to do better. 

         He opened the letter, he read it aloud, "Greetings Alexander, I hope I'm not writing in at the wrong time. I'd like to inform you of the most recent change in structure at the courts. The senior and most respected Imperial Executor Vexis has taken a forward step to resign from the office of the Executioner. It is with a stern countenance that I write this to you. Best wishes, Grand Arbiter Apex."

          He kept it back in the envelope. He dropped it by the shelf, he had a second thought he decided it'll be best to hide it away just in case people like Aster came in lurking.

       He sat on his bed after locking his door, he wondered why Vexis resigned. It didn't sound right, perhaps he was threatened by someone but who would have the tenacity to threaten a powerful lord of the courts? The one and only Vexis. 

        He remembered he had a phone and he knew he expected a text from Lucas Aster, he turned his eyes to his phone screen but there happened to be none. It seemed like Aster wasn't a stalker, at least as much as he expected.

         He plugged his phone to charge and he slept. He fell into a deep sleep that led to a deeper dream. 

        He saw himself in his room at Earth A. It was a replay of what happened at the royal room with Celeste. He saw himself at the second meeting he had with Celeste. Immediately the scene changed and now he's at the aircraft with the little Yerkis. The aircraft began to experience a malfunction, it looked like they were about to crash and burn in flames. Just before the aircraft hit the ground. 

        His eyes opened, he exhaled. He felt a drop of water flow down from his neck to his trouser, he was shirtless. He flinched and touched himself, he just realized it was his own sweat. His breathing pace reduced, he looked around him. 

         Just to the right, he saw a little boy. Yerkis, the little boy stared into his eyes smiling this time. He had a crown in his hands. Xander blinked and he disappeared. 

         Xander's eyes opened into his reality, he realized it was a dream. He didn't crash and he didn't wake up from a crash either, his face staring at the sun ray in front of him. He turned to face the opposition direction lazily, he saw his phone. He sat up calmly, he felt drained from the past night. He read the messages from the laboratory, Zephyr and Aster. 

         In as much as they were just three, they were bulky. He yawned and dropped the phone, he felt like he had other priorities on his hands. Of course he needed a proper visit to the laboratory. It's been eleven years and also he needed to see why Vexis left the courts. 

         He rushed to take a bath, after that he walked out fully dressed. He sat in his car, about to drive off but he saw someone, Apex. He stood right in front of him, "Come on! We need you at the courts!"

       Through the unopened windows he could hear him yelling, Xander stepped out and followed Apex. They walked till they reached the far front disappearing into thin air into the courts. 

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