Chapter 36: Creeks

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It's the next week, Xander sat by the window for a little sun meditation. In his mind he thought of Luna, he felt it'd make more sense to tell her about the new position she'll be taking. He sent her a message, an invitation to see him in his room. The royal took over.

         She walked into the room, "hey I got your text. What's wrong?"

       He replied, "there's something I want you to know, it's about your powers. The ones you are unaware of. You have moon powers, I don't know how you got them but you attracted Solstice. He wanted you at the courts for a leadership role but I consider it dangerous for you, he wants you to be at the court."

       She sat on his bed, a little bit by his side. "So that means one thing, I'll be gone for eleven years like you? Or what?"

       "No, you'll be at the courts most of the time. If he doesn't put you as the second in command after Apex then he'll put you on the bare seat."

         "What's associated with that?"

     "The power of the solar elements, for example. The moon power you already have, you'll shift and manipulate weather I guess."

       She's liking the sound of this, "why didn't you tell me about this earlier? I think I'm Interested. Who's Solstice again?"

        "The maker of the courts."

     "I'd like to meet him, you should tell him I'm available."

      "You can't be serious, it's deadly to be there. We are expecting an exiled person anytime now. He wants us to fight for him or after him. The man isn't sure he'll even survive it."

       "Is it a man or a woman?"

   "A woman."

       "I can't wait to meet her then. We use girls' language. Who knows maybe I'll be able to avert the war."

      That sentence made sense to Xander. He actually liked it. Truly what if she could avert it?

        He turned to her, "Get dressed, we are going to meet him. Be ready in five minutes."

        Luna got dressed and waited outside for Xander, he walked out with a checked long sleeved shirt in his hands. He wore a white t-shirt first. He sat in the car, "I thought we were teleporting there?"

         "Well, yes but then I'll have to get some things first." He stepped out of the car, wore his long sleeved shirt and opened the portal. They walked in, on getting there they noticed the scene had changed.
          The throne room looked scattered like a fight happened, an outburst of wind and dark clouds emerged from everywhere. "Alexander!!!" he turned to look at who called. It was Apex. He was without his robe for the very first time, he didn't look perfect.

          Apex held his palm, he dropped a key in his hands saying, "It's up to you now. Train her and continue the race." Immediately he fell to his knees, he dropped dead after.

       Xander's eyes opened again, he just realized it was a vision. A dream even, he jumped out of shock from the scene he just saw, Luna stared at him wondering why he received that amount of shock from a supposed nightmare.

        "What's wrong? Are you alright? You know you should chill. If you are not ready then we could wait till when you are ready. Calm down."

         He stared at her for a while then he took his eyes to the car seat. He noticed a white paper, an envelope. It's a letter, another from Apex. He read it, it was an empty paper. He knew there was trouble. He asked Luna, "Hey could you wait a little bit? I need to clarify some things before you ascend. As a matter of fact, plans changed. You're staying back till I return.

        "Okay, till. Then." She just walked away, gazing at him awkwardly until she reached the door.

        He made a portal, and disappeared into the throne room. It was calm, no bad weather like the one he saw in his vision. He cautiously looked around him. He noticed the atmosphere to be a bit stern, with no one around. It was way too quiet compared to usual days.

        "The vision was the message from the empty paper, messages come in different ways. She's coming soon."

        "What do I need to do?"

     Solstice walked closer to him saying, "you'll need to move to Earth HZ. It'll need to be closed by someone in it, although I already sent Apex. Nebula stands at the gateways and Celeste guards the borders. I'll remain here."

        "Of course, it's the safest here. Why wouldn't you? I mean what if she comes here first, what if she sees into the future too just like me or Luna. You'll think it'll be possible to beat her still."

          "Let's cancel all the don'ts and maybe's. Let's focus on the yes and the forward. Teach Luna all she needs to know."

         "How long do I have before the nemesis?"

        "To what I've seen, a year or less. Maybe now if we're not sure."

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