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When they came downstairs their saw everyone was having breakfast they looked at them and their eyes soften.

Virat was looking weak because of crying and continues vomiting as he was doing that from few days they sat on their chairs and started to eat .

Hardik:- bhai you should have some salad too along with some sweets baby will like it .

He said cheerfully Rahul looked at him and said ,

Rahul:- do you also want to experience this if you want I am sure you will get pregnant by tomorrow.

Virat and Rohit smirked hardik blushed and others were silent don't know what to speak .

Sonu :- vi be careful from now on and don't worry everything will be alright.

Virat :- i want this baby .

He dropped the bomb on them as they all thought that he will abort it to focus on his career but he said this .

Mahi bhai :- baccha you sure na .

Virat nod his head ,

Virat :- bhai i am sure like I was sure that I want my career in cricket that I wants to be an cricketer just like that now I will have my baby .

Yuvi pa :- as you say baccha but you have to be careful it's hard to have baby in your womb and do anything.

Virat ;- yes bhai don't worry.

He said and they all are their breakfast and then went to teamroom.

Mahi bhai :- cheeku baccha you didn't tell us who is father of this child well ofcourse we are presurring you if you want them tell baccha .

Virat looked at rohit who came and held his hand and said ,

Rohit:- I am th father of the child inside virat's womb .

Again the whole room fell silent,

Hardik:- I have thought this .

Rahul smiled at him and said ,

Rahul:- we should also do this .

Hardik again got shy and looked away from him hiding his face.

Yuvi pa :- are you in relationship if you are we are not shocked at all we have expected that .

Virat :- no yuvi pa we are not in relationship but we had one night stand when we went to club and came back we went to terrace and in the influence of alcohol we got intimate without realising.

He said with red cheeks and Rohit was also blushing still holding virat's hand .

Mahi bhai :- well what we can say the damge is already done just be careful and ya take virat with you to hospital today and we will also come .

Virat :- why bhai .

Yuvi pa :- vi mere bacche look you have a baby inside you and for knowing how he is and how is doing inside is he good is he healthy is he developing Nicely or not for that we have to go to hospital for cheak up .

Virat :- okey Bhai .

He said and ran towards the washroom he wants to throw rohit also went behind him drawing circles on his back for smoothly it .

Rohit:- vi are you okay.

After Virat was dine he washed his face and he was about to sit on floor but rohit pulled him towards himself and hugged him .

Rohit:- you okey vi

Virat gave a weak smile and said,

Virat :- it's normal do i have been doing this from long time don't worry.

He said and rested his head on rohit's shoulder.rohit hugged him and then after five minutes he picked Virat up in his arms and took him to their bedroom telling mahi bhai and yuvi pa virat is not feeling well .

He gave Virat water and ordered juice and some caramel popcorn for him as virat's wants to eat them .

Virat ate and slept and Rohit also got on bed half laying position and he was staring at virat who was hugging his one hand .

Rohit's thoughts,

I am lucky to have you and soon our baby is goone come too and you know vi i am really excited to meet him he is our baby when he will come to this world i will make sure that you and baby stay happy I will do extra hardwork for keeping you happy ofcourse I don't want you to quit cricket and I hope you don't I want you with me vi you are my best patner on and off field.
You know when you told me yesterday you are pregnant it took me three hours to realise I am happy then I was so happy that I was smiling like idiot whole bus ride .thank you so much Jann.

He kissed virat's forehead and again started to stare at him .

(Please ignore my grammatical) Hope you all like it 🥰😍.
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