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Hardik was in kitchen cooking food for both of them he was trying his best but the roti burned.

He set the dinner and went to call Rahul who was on his study table hardik called him for dinner .

Rahul came and saw burned food he was already so angry and stressed he looked angry at hardik

Rahul:- what is this hardik what you call this because I don't call it food it's all burned why can't you cook good food my life have became hell from the day I have got married to you .
I miss my mom's hands tasty food but what I am getting is this burned food everyday.

Hardik:- Rahul i tried na I never did cooking in my house but I am doing here trust me i tried not to burn food but managing everything at once is so hard and then house chores and all .

Rahul:- my mother also do this all work and so your when they can do all work and still can make food then why you huhh just learn how to make food .

He said and left the room hardik sadly sat on dinning area.

He closed his eyes his eyes had tears in them he never thought Rahul will behave like this .

He don't know when he fell asleep,Rahul felt bad for shouting at hardik he looked at clock and saw the time is almost 12:30 like almost midnight.

He went to hall and saw hardik sleeping in dinning table he went to kitchen and made pasta for them .

He set that on table and woke hardik up who looked at him with sleepy eyes,Rahul softly said ,

Rahul :- have something.

He gave pasta to hardik who ate silently after that Rahul told him to go room and sleep and hardik went to his room and slept he was really tried doing all the work alone and then making dinner too that no one ate .

Rahul looked at the food on dinning table and took it in his plate he ate that burned food then cleaned the dinning table washed dishes and went to his room and get back to his studies before going back to study he when to hardik and kissed his forehead and said sorry to him .

On other hand here in mahi yuvi house nothing was same .

Their was minimal talk between them the first day after they came to their house after marriage.

Mahi Clearly said that he don't have any feelings for yuvi and yuvi should not expect something from his because he can't give him a love of husband.

Yuvi felt hurt but nod his head mostly mahi is busy in his work he is captain so mostly busy in meeting and about team .

Yuvi's life have changed when they were bestfriend they used to sleep on same bed before mahi started to date Sonu but now they don't he sleep on couch and mahi in bed .

He cook he do all work not complain about anything mahi's words always hurt him he never praised him and always say that yuvi should not do this thing.

Whenever yuvi do something for mahi ,mahi got angry and say hurtful words like he should not do this he don't need to be his husband he is not his husband and he married to him for sake of BCCI.

Mahi was not ready to give sonu's place to anyone and he unknowingly started hurting yuvi .

And then when he said this that yuvi should not take place of sonu yuvi argued back saying mahi is his husband and he have rights on him .

They both argued for one hour and atleast yuvi list his control and said that Sonu is married he have his wife who love him so much and soon Sonu will forget about him but it's just mahi who is not ready to accept this fact he is obsessed with him and it will goone cost them so much at their life .

After hearing this mahi got really angry and he slapped yuvi very hard yuvi fell in floor.

Mahi :- bitch you shut up you are not even one percent of my Sonu stop comparing yourself to him you are nothing to me and if you said one more word about him i will not hesitate to kill you .

He said and left from their yuvi sat their looking at the door silently crying.

His face was red mahi's hand was printed on his cheek.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)
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