Chapter 7: Trapped

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Whilst the three couples were on their triple date, the other girls were at the Sweet Shope with Laverna.

The girls were giggling and getting to know each other.

Laverna: Oh, I'm so glad I've moved here! You girls are so sweet and kind, I'm happy to be your friend!

Pinkie: Hehehe, us too!

Laverna: By the way, where's the other girls?

Applejack: Oh nothin', they're just going on dates with their dream boys.

Rarity: I'm quite glad that Twilight took some time to spend with Flash. It's quite rare for her to see him.

Laverna: Why?

Pinkie: she came from another dimension, Equestria~! She's a pony princess of friendship!

Laverna: Oh, I see..

Just then the door opened, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash just came back from their dates. Twilight was all smiles, Fluttershy was holding a stuffed butterfly that Discord won for her at the arcade, and Rainbow Dash tried to hide the fact she had fun with Soarin.

Rarity: Oh darlings, How were the dates?!

Twilight: It was great! We watched a movie, ate, and played a few games at the ar... arc??

Rainbow: Arcade.

Twilight: Yeah, arcade!

Fluttershy: and look what Discord won for me! *chuckles*

Sunset: How about you, Dash? How was Soarin?

Rainbow: Ugh, he keeps clinging to my arm during the movies, the movie isn't even that scary.

Fluttershy: I know right? I've seen it many times before with Zephyr.

Applejack: Well, we're glad you had a great time. Me and the girls here were just talkin'! Come join us.

Twilight: sure!

Sunset Shimmer's pov

Talking to Laverna was nice, I guess I really was just paranoid. Huh, come to think of it, she kinda looks familiar. She probably has one of the faces.

Rainbow: Alright! Whoo!

Applejack: Are you gonna be joining us, Twilight?

Twilight: Uhm, I'm not sure.. I mean, I have to go back to Equestria. Maybe some other time when I come back.

Laverna: Aww, but it'd be so fun with having you with us! Maybe just one more day here?

Spike: Sorry girls, but we have to head back, who knows what disaster might happen back there.

Applejack: I understand. Maybe some other time, Twi.

Judging by the look of Twilight's face, she looked a little guilty. She sighed and gave in. "Alright, one or two more days won't hurt."

The girls cheered, but I had a weird feeling about something.

Spike's pov

Twilight agreed?! Well, I do wanna stay as well but I'm worried for Equestria. Lately, there hasn't been a friendship problem nor a villainous attack. I don't really like it when it's too peaceful, especially after Cozy Glow and Chrysalis. But Chrysalis is not really gonna cause us much harm because all her changelings are good now.. right..?

Rarity then picked me up, and said "Ooh, I have a wonderful idea! What about I design bathing suits for us! It'd be so much fun! We could wear them tomorrow at the beach."

"Really, Rarity? Sounds like it's gonna take a while, and I don't wanna exhaust you.." Twilight concernedly asked.

"Oh pshh, when is designing a problem for me? I insist." Rarity reassured Twilight.

"You really are the element of generosity." Sunset said with a smile.

The next day, the girls were really excited, they played volleyball, magazine games, and built sandcastles. I honestly wish I could play volleyball too, but I'm a dog with paws instead of hands.

I was just chilling and lying on Sunset's backpack when it started glowing and vibrating. "Uhh, girls! Sunset, your bag is glowing!"

Sunset came to me with a concerned face, "Why would it be glowing?" she picked up the bag and took her journal out.

"Huh?! Who would be sending a message if Twilight's here with us!?" Sunset reeling in confusion.

"What if something happened in Equestria!" Twilight grabbed the journal and searched through the pages. She stopped at a page where Starlight sent an urgent message.

"Twilight! You need to come back, Tirek and some of Queen Chrysalis's changelings are swarming all over Equestria. We advised everypony to take cover, the girls, the princesses, and I are hiding at your palace right now! I don't know if this would come through but I hope it does! Please hurry! -Starlight Glimmer"

Twilight's eyes widened, grinding her teeth. "Spike! We have to go back, I'm so sorry, girls. But I have to go!"

The girls understood and drove us back to the portal, but when we got there, the portal wasn't opening. We couldn't go through! "No! Why won't it open?!" Twilight banged her hands at the statue.

"Maybe someone closed it or disabled the portal! Quick, hand me a pen!" Sunset started writing in her journal.

"Starlight! The portal wouldn't open, what's happening?!"

We waited for a while, and Starlight didn't reply. They were captured...

Twilight cried and curled up, I approached her and gave her a hug. Rarity sat beside her, "I'm so sorry, Twilight. We shouldn't have insisted and pressured you to come."

"No.. I should've known better. I could be the future ruler of Equestria, but I was too irresponsible and emotional. I should've listened to you Spike, but I was stubborn. I wasn't a good friend for not listening to you.."

"It's okay, Twilight. You're the bestest friend and sister I could ever ask for."

"We'll find a way to get you back, Twi. I promise ya." Applejack comforted her. The girls and I hugged her. After a while, she calmed down, Sunset lended her the journal and insisted that Twilight should stay over her place instead to wait for a message.

Two days passed, and there hasn't been a message yet. I'm worried for both Equestria and Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer's pov

Twilight tried to keep her mood up in front of me and the girls over the past 2 days, but I could tell how sad and worried she is. Her eyes says it all. I was having a cup of tea with Twilight, when someone knocked at the door.

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