Chapter 21: Separated

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Twilight Sparkle's pov

I opened my eyes, my vision was so blurry, my head rang and I heard muffled voices. Colors... I saw an orange talking.. once I saw clearly, "SUNBU-"

Sunburst shoved his hoof in my mouth before I continued.

"SHHH! I'm not sure if we're securely safe here, Twilight... I barely escaped the changelings.." Sunburst turned away, walking towards running water..?

Twilight: Are we in-

Sunburst: Shh!! Yes, we're in a waterfall! Lower your tone, please! *Whispering*

Twilight: sorry... Wait.. where's Starlight? Silverstream? Gallus...?!


Sunburst hollered making a loud echo, surely loud enough to reach Ponyville, or what was left of it..

I stared at him unamused, he let go of his strong grip on me and shyly smiled with a silly chuckle.

"Sorry.. but, you were with Starlight?"

"I was with Starlight, Spike, and the young six! Oh I hope they weren't captured yet. Especially the six, they're Equestria's last hope in the matter. My element alone cannot work without the other five elements! Have you seen where they've taken the girls?" I felt a huge lump on my throat, my friends were captured and I couldn't do much about it, changeling security is tight..

"I'm so sorry, Twilight. I barely got escaped myself, but.. to bring your hopes up, I was with Rainbow Dash. I don't know if she escaped successfully too but she's really fast so..."

"I shouldn't have gone to through the portal in the first place.. what kind of princess abandons her kingdom?"

"You spreaded the magic of friendship from another world, Twilight! And you still come back to it every now and then just to see if things are going well there. It is why you left right?" Sunburst shifted his questioning gaze to me.

"Uhm.. yes, but I also visited the other world because... Because I may have fallen for someone there.."

"You fell in love? That's great, Twilight. Why're you so ashamed?"

"I'm ashamed because I didn't return my promise! I promised Spike that we'd come back in a few days, but the day I was supposed to leave, I stayed there to enjoy myself. I was too late.. the portal closed on us before we could've gone back here."

"Twilight, you didn't know. None of us knew that the changelings would turn their back on us."

"I should've thought about it longer! I'm not the ruler you ponies want me to be! I'm a failure.."

"Stop doubting and blaming yourself, Twilight! It's not your fault, you were taking a break. If I were you, I would've too! Twilight, we're gonna get our friends back, the girls, my st- UH Starlight, the princesses, and your family. Now quit moping around."

"Thanks Sunburst, and you sorta sounded like Starlight. Were you spending time together while I was gone?" I smirked at him. I noticed Starlight and Sunburst were quite closer than they used to be, sometimes whenever I'm visiting the School Of Friendship, I see them laughing while giving each other 'looks.'

Particularly, looks that looks TOO friendly..

Sunburst's pov

I started stammering, "O-oh, y-yeah! Y'know.. the usual games, spell sharing, and stuff ehehe.."


"Uhuh... okay." Twilight gave me an all-knowing smile before trotting off to the waterfall's entrance.

"Hmm... where are we Sunburst?" She asked,

"Oh, I'm not sure. But I know we're a little near the changelings's lair." I replied.

"Well then, we're gonna do this today. No more delays. If you want to get your star back, we're gonna do this right."

"My star?- HUH?! TWILIGHT!!" I felt my cheeks burn about how Twilight called Starlight, 'my star."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Well yes I do, Sunburst. We're gonna-"


"RUN!!" Twilight shouted as we tried escaping from the mob of changelings on our tail.


"AAAHH THIS IS NOT HOW I WANTED IT TO TURN OUT!!" She continued screaming.

Gosh, what happened to her?!

(PS: I just noticed how Twilight mostly screams or just scream more often in the human world rather than in Equestria. Most of the time it's just short startled screams but in the human world, she screams like there no damn tomorrow 😭)

We've managed to outrun and escape the changelings by hiding behind a giant boulder. I should've listened to Starlight demonstrate the invisibility spell, but I was too distracted because she decided to be even prettier and let her hair loose.

"Okay, now we gotta find where they're keeping everyone hostage..."

"And you've got a plan for that?"

"Psshhh I'm the queen of plans!"



"NO!" Twilight shouted before picking me up with her magic and ran faster than Applejack and Rainbow. She jolted faster than the speed of light, almost making a sonic rainbow on the ground.
(both of you calm down 😭)

I tried to cut some of them off, so I used my magic and picked rocks up and threw them to the changelings. I successfully managed to drive some away, but they eventually came back.

Twilight stopped at a very unstable rock formation, she set me down on one side as she ran to the opposite side. "KICK AS HARD AS YOU CAN! AT THE COUNT OF THREE.."

The changelings flew closer, "one..."





We hit rock formation, making it crumble down. Once the smoke cleared, it was a dead end.

"YES!!" Twilight shouted in victory.

"And was that part of the plan?" I said while dusting myself off.

"Uhh... Yeah?? Anyways, I think they're here. Hurry!" She ran like she didn't just run 500 kilometers while carrying me, a full grown stallion, with her magic.

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