Chapter 19: Allies and Friends

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Back in the human world (Flash Sentry's pov)

It's been 3 days since Twilight had gone back to Equestria. Everyday, I waited outside the statue, sometimes the girl joined me but they had their own things to do especially whenever Laverna's around.

I tried to ignore her as much as I could, but she was persistent. I sensed her eyes every time I was in the same room as her. During class, during lunch, and sometimes when I'm rehearsing with my bandmates, I could feel her presence. I was getting a little scared. But I'm thankful for the girls and my bandmates to distract me from her.

I think that the rest of the girls know by now that Laverna is bad news. Rainbow Dash and Applejack seemed to have changed the way they look or interact with her based on my observations.

But whenever I'm not thinking about how to hide from Laverna, I'm missing Twilight... Her warm soft smile, her laugh, her voice, her silky hair flowing whenever there's a breeze. I miss it...

Missing her so much, I tended to write a song about her.. I hope I could present it to her someday before I preview it with the rest of the band. I'll share with the world how I dated a wonderful girl that always made my day with just a single smile on her face.... ♡

March 25, 2024 (3 more days later)

I was at the cafeteria with my band, talking about our last rehearsal. When I noticed Laverna talking to The Dazzlings. I didn't mind it much when I heard them laugh all together, in a weird way, I felt suspicious about it.

"Hey dude, are you still thinking about Twilight?" Sandalwood called out to me.

"Bro, she's an equestrian princess with powers that took down a demon and three dragon sirens whatsoever. She'll totally defeat Chrystalis and Tyrell."

I sighed deeply; "Chrysalis and Tirek, and no, I trust Twilight and I know that she'll defeat them in a jiffy. She's the strongest person I know..." I looked down, remembering how she fought for us.

Sandalbar let out a tired sigh before moving his chair besides mine and laid his arm over my shoulder; "look man, I know you're worried in all and how you miss her but it's tough love. You'll fight for her and she'll fight for you and her world. Stop worrying about Twilight focus on now. She wouldn't want you to be worried about her that much. And how about us man, don't you miss us?" He pouted at me with a shrill girly voice.

"Heh.. you're right, Sands. And I guess I miss spending time with my buds too, and please don't use that voice on me. It's weird."

He laughed and patted my back, "that's our boy."

Laverna Lavender's pov

They were laughing, hah. Enjoying his last few moments of joy I see. Well, he should suck it up before I ruin this abomination of a school. Eugh, so colorful and cheery. I'd prefer my sister's horrid cave decor than this flowery presentation.

It's a good thing I have allies now and then in this world, especially when they're also equestrian.

"So what do you suppose we do, Verna? We can't use our voices to hypnotize and control people now since those pesky Rainbooms destroyed our pendants." Adagio snarled.

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