Chapter 20: A Depressing Rainbow

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Applejack's pov:

Two days since Soarin started going out with Laverna, Rainbow Dash maintained her cool like usual, but the girls knew that she wasn't.

She'd dozed off during lunch and she kept getting benched by the Coach during PE classes. I haven't seen her this.. sappy and plain. Her egotistical and energetic personality, we haven't seen Rainbow Dash like that since.

"Rainbow, you haven't touched your food, is something bothering you? You've been like this for two days now, I'm very worried!" Rarity tried talking to Rainbow but she suddenly snapped.


Rarity looked down, hurting. The rest of us awkwardly avoided gazes.

Rainbow sighed and stood up, "Sorry.. I-I gotta blow some steam.." she walked away then ran to the exit.

Rainbow Dash's pov

I jogged around the field, forcing myself to do laps. 'Why... why do I feel like this?! Why does my chest hurt? Why is it so tight?! I don't like Soarin, I don't like anyone.. these things don't matter to me!! But what if they do? NO! UGH NICE GOING SOARIN! YOU AND YOUR STUPID SMILE, YOUR STUPID CUTE FACE, UGH I WHY!!'

I stopped, catching my breath, I couldn't breathe, I felt my eyes watering. 'WHY IS THIS SO PAINFUL?!'

I gripped my chest, hyperventilating. I'm fit! How could I be tired from just a jog lap?!

"DAMN YOU, SOARIN!" I yelled out before dashing to the neighborhood, my tears continually watering, I jolted to my house and locked it. Going straight to my bedroom, I plopped myself onto bed and cried my stupid heart out.

'Why am I wasting tears for a guy I don't even like?! Rainbow Dash you fool...'

4 hours later..

I woke up my head ringing, augh... Then I heard footsteps.

"Dash, are you there?" Rarity knocked on my door.

"Where were you? You didn't attend class!" Pinkie Pie concernedly asked.

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" Gosh I shouldn't have lent them my extra spare keys..

"Dash, could you let us in? Only if you're okay with it.." Sunset knocked.

"S-sorry guys, I prefer if I don't. I'm not feeling well, I'm kinda sick."

"Oh well, I could whip up a soup for ya!"

"It's okay, Applejack, you don't need to go through the trouble. Even after I snapped at you guys.."

"Rainbow Dash, we understand how you're feeling right now. You can deny that you don't like Soarin, but you can't deny that you're hurt that he found someone new." Twilight (Sci-Twi) somehow got through me.

I opened the door, and my eyes started watering. "I-I don't know why I'm feeling this way!"

Fluttershy's pov

"Oh you poor baby, c'mon sit down and tell us everything." I embraced Rainbow and led her back to bed.

Rainbow: I don't know how I feel anymore.. I really don't want to like Soarin because he's an idiot but.. I kinda do like him..

Fluttershy: He's really an idiot. But he's also a good person. He can be dumb, oblivious, cocky, and clueless sometimes but he's also friendly, skilled, kind, generous, and loyal.


Fluttershy: You're right, you're right. Calm down, Dashie.

Rarity: Dang, she's taking it well..!

Applejack: Don't mention it..

Fluttershy: Rainbow, if you like Soarin then why were you giving him the cold shoulder?

Rainbow: because like I said I like him, but I can't be vulnerable just because of him. I won't allow it!

Fluttershy: Do you have to be vulnerable to show your love for him?

Rainbow: I-I don't know.. I've never been in this position before! I-I'm the sporty girl, the captain of every team! I have to maintain a strong reputation or they'll.. doubt me..

Sci-Twi: why would anyone doubt you for loving someone?

Rainbow: I don't know...

Applejack: Look Dashie, maybe Soarin isn't cut out for you yet. Y'all still in highschool and you're both very stupid human beings. Soarin can't read the room and you can't read people. Soarin likes you genuinely, Dash. He's probably always hurting about how you keep rejecting his feelings that he learns to cope with his feelings by finding someone new. Make sense?

Rainbow: I didn't think it twice that I would've hurt him but... I want to push him away so he wouldn't see my true feelings for him.

Sunset: Rainbow, if you're not ready for a relationship then it's okay. But you should've used your words properly so this wouldn't have happened. Misunderstandings are normal for peers, that's obvious, but it would've been easier if you just told him.

Applejack: honesty is the best policy.

Sci-Twi: you were waiting for a moment to say that weren't you?

Rainbow: Heh... *Sniffs* you're right. I'd hate to admit it but I should've been honest instead, I'm just scared that he might think wrongly of me or I'd suddenly become sappy and lovey dovey like Twilight and Timber here.

Sci-Twi: HUH- We're not sappy!

Rainbow: *chuckles* thanks guys, and I shouldn't be crying for Soarin. I should be happy for him.

Fluttershy: Are you sure, Dashie?

Rainbow: yeah! Thanks for being here for me, girls. And I'm sorry for...

Rarity: It's alright, Dashie.

Rarity embraced Rainbow, and I joined, as my eyes welled up. "Oh Dashie.."

"Fluttershy, I'm not a kid- nevermind."

Rainbow Dash's pov

Like I said, I'm not going to waste my tears and feel bad for myself. I should be happy for him. It's not like I liked him nore than I used to.


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