Chapter 13: Flashbacks

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Starlight Glimmer's pov

I walked away from the conversation and started folding my sleeping bag... I wasn't okay. He's still on my mind.. I left him behind..


Sunburst and I were at the Friendship Castle (Twilight's castle), sipping tea and catching up.

I showed Sunburst the new spells I wrote, and he was estatic.

Sunburst: wow, Starlight! You're so great in making spells. Even better than me, seems like YOU'RE the wizard.

Starlight: it's only small spells, basic things nothing big.

Sunburst: I've never seen or met anypony who could write spells so fast. Twilight made a great choice making you her headmare.

Starlight: Oh, it's nothing. I've been writing spells since I moved out of Sire's Hollow..

Sunburst: You timed traveled, Starlight. Give yourself some credit!

Starlight: Heh.. thanks, Sunburst. How's your job as a Crystaler?

Sunburst: It's really great, I got to go out more often. I've even started writing spells like you, you inspire me, Starlight.

I felt my cheeks grow red at Sunburst's praise. I was about to reply, when a sudden bang happened outside the castle.

They looked outside, to see a swarm of changelings going after the ponies in the village. Running, screaming, pure chaos!

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy came running towards us at the castle. We quickly shut the doors after they flew and ran in.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" I started shouting frantically.

"Queen Chrysalis's changelings, they're back!" Rainbow Dash dashed around the castles locking and blocking all the windows and curtains.

"H-how?! I thought they were good now!" Sunburst replied.

"I don't know either, Sugarcubes! But we have to get Twilight back here immediately!"

Out of nowhere, Rarity appeared with the Princesses, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart. Rarity gasping for air, she must've used her magic whilst getting to the princesses.

"Where's Twilight?!" Princess Celestia asked.

"She's in the human world! I'm gonna send Sunset a message!" I ran upstairs, straightly to the library and portal. I opened the journal and was about to write something, when a changeling sprung on me from the shattered windows!

I blasted them away but more pried on to me. Sunburst blasted the changelings away, just in time!

Everypony lunged to the fight, buying me some time to send a message to the Sunset and Twilight.

But as bad luck would have it, a changeling snatched the journal! I tried getting it back from it, I teleported all across the room to get it back.

Princess Luna shouted in her royal voice that caught everypony's attention, even the changelings. When they were distracted, I grabbed the journal from their hooves, and started writing.

I finished message, when I turned back and my friends were tied and trapped in changeling goo (I'M SORRY I FORGOT)

"SUNBURST!" I shouted, he turned to me with so much fear, "Starlight! YOU HAVE TO GO!"


Princess Celestia turned to face me, she whispered something under her breathe, I couldn't hear her. She then used her powers to push me into the mirror before the changelings caught up to me.


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