v. my sunshine

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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ serendipity chapter five ( in real life )

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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ serendipity chapter five
( in real life )

THE SOUNDS OF THE SHEETS SLIDING ON Sterling's bed was heard in the room. The clock on her nightstand indicated that at ten fifteen am, the two young girls were asleep in the brunette's bed. Kate's arms wrapped around Sterling's waist, and Sterling's hands were intertwined with her hands. Meanwhile, both were sleeping so peacefully and comfortably in the bed.

As Gabbie woke up and went straight into the kitchen so she could make breakfast for her and Sterling, she made waffles with a strawberry shake because she knew her roommate had been craving a strawberry shake.

The alarm in the Sterling room turned on. Coss, still sleeping, turned it off. She rubbed her eyes and saw the image of the blonde girl still sleeping in her bed, her beautiful and long hair placed on the pillow, making her smile.

"Good morning, sunshine," Sterling said, climbing on top of Kate and hugging her.

"Good morning, my sunshine," Kate emphasized. The rays of the sun coming through the window fell where the brunette was.

Kate looked at Sterling mesmerized, something about the rays of sunlight shining in her face, her disheveled hair falling on her shoulders, and her now bright green eyes shining for the sun.

Yeah she thought. I'm deeply in love with her.

The blonde gave a big smile to the brunette as well; she responded in the same way. The door knocked and opened, seeing Gabbie.

"Ster, I made breakfast," Marshall said happily, stepping into the girls room, but as soon as she spotted Kate, she frowned. "Kate? You spent the night?" Gabbie looked down and up at the two girls that were on the bed with a teasing smile.

"Yeah, that's my house too now," she said with a raspy voice.

"Fine, I'll get you a plate. Come on." She said she was getting out of the room, and the two girls followed her. They sat on the table and turned on the TV so they could watch something while they ate breakfast.

After eating breakfast, they did the dishes and cleaned the whole kitchen. They took turns showering because they decided to go to the mall before the two basketball players had to go to their training session.

The three of the girls were ready to go to the mall. Gabbie locked the door and walked out of the building to the parking lot. They'd decided to go in Kate's car. Gabbie quickly connected her phone so her music played on the way, and Kate started driving to the mall.

As she started driving, she shyly placed her hand on Sterling's leg, afraid that Sterling would pull her hand away. She calmed down when she got closer to her.

The curly hair that was on the back seat opened her mouth. Surprised, she smiled, took a photo of them, and started to type in her phone, telling Kylie, Sydney, Jada, and Caitlin what just happened.

THEY LEFT STERLING AT THE DORM just one hour ago. The clock indicated five eight p.m., and she was on her bed texting her older sister. Coss went straight to the FaceTime app when Brooklyn texted her that she was free.

"Hey Star," Brooklyn said on the screen. She was wearing party clothes and would go out tonight.

"Hey Brooke, I'm going to tell you something, but I need you to be 100% honest and have an open mind, ok?" The brunette said it nervously.

"Ok? What's going on? You're scaring me. Are you pregnant?" Brooklyn said she was sitting on her bed with a worried face so she could hear everything her younger sister would tell her.

"God no," she answered. " Ok. So, Theo and I have been so distant these past weeks; he would respond to my texts a day later, and I have been doing the same thing, but I have been hanging out with this girl, Kate," she said.

"Mhhh," Brooklyn said.

"We've been hanging out almost every day; she takes me to eat after my hospital shifts; she's so attentive to me; she's just the best; she's always putting a smile on me; she's so kind and sweet; she smells so good; she's so pretty; and her eyes are just wow." A smile adorns the green-eyed girl's face while talking about Kate. Her sister smiled too; she could feel everything Sterlings was feeling on the screen.

"You like her," Brooklyn said with a warm smile, judging that her sister would never cross her mind; she was there for her. even though they were a hundred miles apart.

"You think I like her in a romantic way," she said with a fearful look.

"The way your face lights out when you talk about her says everything," Brooklyn laughed. "Hey Star, it's okay; you like a girl, and that's completely normal." The brunette comforted her sister.

"Yeah?" Her eyes were holding back tears. She was so scared to tell her sister about what she had been feeling—a fear that she would judge her—that was everything she was scared of. But Brooklyn only seemed to be proud of her sister.

"Yeah, it's totally fine. I know you feel this way because you've been with Theo for so long, but it's okay. Not all the couples who have been together for so long are still in love after years of growing up," she said.

Sterling always admired Brooklyn; she was so talented, pretty, and smart that when she was little, she wanted to be exactly like her. Brooklyn always looked out for Sterling; she would always protect her from anyone; they were inseparable since birth.

"But I will recommend something. If you're ready to explore all your feelings for Kate, I suggest you talk about breaking up with Theo; if you don't feel in love anymore with him, it's better to end things." Sterling nodded.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that lately, but I know he's so focused on architecture school, but I will find out how to talk with him," she replied. "But what do you think about all this?" The girl asked her sister.

"Do you want me to tell you the truth? I definitely saw it coming; your love language is quality time and physical touch. The Coss sister laughed, and at the same time, Sterling was wiping her tears away. "I'm glad you got the encouragement to tell me. I'm so proud of you, and I will love you no matter what. I'm not going to stop loving you because you're in love with a girl," Brooklyn said, tearing up some tears. She felt so emotional when her sister was so scared to say that because she thought her sister would stop loving her.

"I love you so much, I can't even breathe. You're my best friend forever. Thank you so much, Brooklyn," Sterling said with a broken voice.

"Oh, stop, Star; I already did my makeup," she said, trying not to cry again. "I love you, RueRue. You deserve to be happy." The two sisters wiped their tears and laughed.

They stayed talking a little bit longer. Sterling has never been so satisfied; talking with her best friend definitely makes her feel better. The only thing she had left was breaking up with Theo.

bye theo! we're gonna miss you!

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