xiv. tall, blonde, athletic and pretty

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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ serendipity chapter fourteen( in real life, twitter )

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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ serendipity chapter fourteen
( in real life, twitter )

THANKSGIVING BREAK, THATS WHAT STERLING all could think of, Friday morning, no school, no shift thankfully, so she was able to fly to her home for this four-day break. She was closing her suitcase and put on her black North Face puffer jacket so she could make it through the Iowa City November weather.

She stepped out of the dorm, locking the door because no one would be there in the next 4 days; Gabbie had already left for her parents house. She got out of the building and waited for her Uber driver to drive her to the airport.
As the Uber driver pulled up, she entered the car and started driving to the airport.

When she arrived, Sterling checked her luggage, and she passed all the security checks so she could finally wait until it's time to board the plane. After 45 minutes or so, they started to board. Sterling slid her airport bag in her shoulder and approached the gate.

When she finally got her seat, her eyes closed, she was tired, and she could rest for the next 4 hours. Coss put her headphones on and put some music on, fastened her seat belt, and closed her eyes to get some rest.

WELCOME HOME STERLING said the cute little sign that her parents were holding. Sterling pouted and approached them for a hug.

"Hi baby," Clarissa said, giving her daughter a kiss on her check. They separated from the hug, and she smiled at her parents; Sterling definitely missed them.

"Hi daddy," Sterling gave her dad a hug, and he gave her a kiss on her head. She looked over, thinking her sister would probably be there. "Where's Brooke and Alessia?" She asked.

William looked at his watch; his other daughters should be arriving too. "They're about to land," he said as he looked at his phone, hoping for a message from one of the girls.

"There they are," Clarissa said happily, waving the sign that was for them.

"Dad!" Alessia said, running to her dad, she was definitely a daddy's girl.

Brooklyn rushed to her mother to give her a hug and a big kiss. "I missed you so much, mom" Brooklyn said, smiling at her mom. She missed being at home too. Alessia hugged her mom, and the older sister went to give Sterling a big hug.

After that round of hugs for the Coss family, they left the airport to get in the family car and have a 30-minute drive to their house.

"Is Lys coming home?" Alessia said in the back of the car, looking at her parents, that hopefully they would give her a yes.

Clarissa turned her head back to her little daughter, looking at her with a sad face. His older brother couldn't make it to the Thanksgiving dinner.

"No, baby, I'm sorry; a last-minute job came up, and he couldn't say no." The little blonde returned to her seat with a grimace. She missed her older brother; she hasn't seen him since summer.

"It's okay; hopefully he could make it to Christmas." Brooklyn comforted her, and Alessia nodded.

After the 30-minute drive, Sterling stared to see the town that raised her when her parents parked the car at the house driveway. The girls stepped out of the car, waiting for their dad to take their suitcases out of the trunk.

The principal door of the house opened, and the firstborn of the couple stepped out of the house carefully so his sisters couldn't see him.

Alessia turned around her heels since she was the first one to get her suitcase, as she made fun of her sisters.

"Who said I was not coming?" Lysander said with a smile.

Alessia looked at where the sound of that voice came from, and she saw him, the tall, handsome brunette boy.
"Lysander!" The blonde dropped her suitcase and went to hug her older brother.

Brooklyn's and Sterling's surprised faces dropped, and they went to hug the older Coss.

"Hi babies, I missed you," Lysander said with a smile, looking down at her sister, who were the three attached to his body. Lysander is everything for her sisters; he cares about them all day. Even when he's busy with his new job, he makes time for checking on his sisters and parents.

"You're here," Brooklyn said, and they separated from the hug.

William and Clarissa looked at them with a wide, open smile.

"Yeah, Kaliyah is coming too." Kaliyah, his fiancée, was coming too for Thanksgiving dinner; she was on her flight, and when she arrived, Lysander would pick her up.

The girls opened their mouths full of impressions. They loved her. Kaliyah and Lysander have been dating since his freshman year of college; he met her by a friend, and since then they have been together.

While the girls fight over who's going to go with his brother to pick up Kaliyah from the airport, they entered the house with their suitcases.

Later that night, the four girls were talking in Brooklyn's room; they were all in the bed laughing.

"And that was how it went." Sterling looked at Kaliyah; she told her the story with Martin since she asked.

Kayliah looked at Sterling with her eyes wide open; she could believe it. "I'm so sorry, Ster, you would find someone better," she said, comforting her sister-in-law.

"Anyway she was a basketball player, PLAYER," Alessia said, emphasizing the word, and the three older girls laughed at her.

"Shut up," Brooklyn said, busting her laugh out, covering her mouth with her hand. Alessia giggled.

The four girls were just hanging out in Brooklyn's bed, all already in their pajamas; they were about to go to bed. The sound of Sterling's board was heard; she giggled when she hit the send button.

After a couple of minutes, Brooklyn laughed at what Sterling had posted on Twitter. "Why you posted that?" she said, laughing, and the two girls came closer for looking at the same thing that Brooklyn saw on her phone.

"I'm taking applications," Sterling said, laughing too.

Brooklyn saw the replies to the tweet, and her eyes opened wide at the comments of one girl. She entered her profile just stalking her. "I think you should take this application," Brooklyn passed the phone to her sister.

"No way," Sterling dropped her mouth. What the hell?

Alessia and Kayliah looked at them with a confused face.
Wanting to know what happened.

"What!" The two girls said it loud, desperate for knowing what's going on.

Sterling looked at her phone going straight up to her Twitter DMs, and as the girl said, she just slid into her DMs. The blonde took the phone so they could see it.
When Alessia and Kayliah stalked the girls profile, they looked at Sterling.

"Answer her," Kaylah said.

"But who's this girl?" Sterling asked confused.

"I'm going to Google her." Alessia took her phone, and Brooklyn looked at her.

"You think she's going to appear on Google?" The older of the pack said to the youngest, looking without hope of what the girl just said she's going to do.

The blonde looked at her sister with confidence. "I mean, she has a Team USA shirt on so," Alessia typed her name on her board. And like she supposed. Her face and her information popped in her phone. "Got it," she said.

All the girls came closer to the blonde and saw her phone, and they started to look at the information of the girl. "So she's good," Kaylah said. "If she's on Team USA, she has to be good, right?"

"Yeah," Brooklyn said. "Well, that's it; it's totally your type. Tall, blonde, athletic, pretty—what more do you want?" Her sister looked at her.

"Yeah, but who even knows me?" Sterling questioned, and the girls looked at her with a, You're serious, man? face. Alessia rolled her eyes and put her hands on her face.

"Sterling, it doesn't matter! Answer her," Alessia said desperate.

"Sterling, you're pretty, intelligent, and you have big tits; I suggest you answer her, now" Brooklyn said with a straight face.

Sterling and Kayliah laughed at her comment, and the brunette took her phone up to open the conversation with the girl. She typed and hit the send button. Waiting to receive a message back.

And it happened in seconds. "Ahhhhhh!" The girls screamed when they looked at the phone; it was her again.


STER 🪽🪩✨ @sterlingmfcoss

if you're a pretty blonde, tall woman who play sports where are you and why you aren't kissing me?? 😤

💬 20 🔃 10 ❤️39

|Sydney Affolter @sydneyaffolter1
me me me!!!

|Gabbie Marshall @gabbiemarshall
blondes only?😔

|Caroline Harvey @carolineharvey_
( liked by STER🪽🪩✨ @sterlingmfcoss )

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