[Fears To Fathom: Prologue to Home Alone]

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System: **spawning in characters Alhaitham and Kaveh**

A portal opens up in the game, although in a dark space, and out comes the mentioned characters. They landed aggressively hard onto the ground with a muffled thud. The gray-haired male, Alhaitham, stands up with a grunt. The blonde male followed suit, grumbling in pain as he massaged his arm from the pain. The portal they got shot out of closes, and the system starts speaking.

System: "Welcome, Alhaitham and Kaveh. Please do not be frightened. I am called 'the System' and I have been coded to send you two here to act as the selected player of the game series named 'Fears to Fathom.'"

Kaveh: "Sorry, hold on- I'm still recovering from what just transpired a couple of seconds ago!"

Alhaitham: "... Whoever you are, are you saying we are about to play this game of yours?"

Kaveh: "Oh, right! Why us anyways?"

System: "Fears to Fathom is a horror game created by another human being that does not belong in your world. My owner had watched the gameplays and after days of thinking, she decided on bringing you two to experience it seeing that you are all she had 'admired' for the past 6 months."

Alhaitham, disbelief: "We're playing a horror game? As the players themselves?"

Kaveh, anxious: "Is it too late to back out now? Haven't I suffered enough in my life already?"

System: "Play accordingly. The instructions are the dialogue itself. You will be personally issued a wrist accessory called a 'watch.' Those can help you get through the game by opening up system windows. In the game, you are also issued each a device called a 'phone' where you will receive text messages from in-game individuals."

System: **spawning in the watches wrapped around their right wrists**

Alhaitham: "So these are the watches."

Kaveh: "... I think these watches should improve on their aesthetics and design. But honestly, this is temporary, so I don't think that's too important."

Alhaitham: "Are you talking to me, or yourself? Or the System?"

Kaveh: "All three! More directed towards myself, though."

Alhaitham: "... System, how long are we going to play this game of yours? And are we allowed to leave after we get through?"

Kaveh: "I'm not going to play this stupid game! Unless we have to, but-"

Alhaitham, sighing: "Kaveh, think about it. Do you think the System can let us out even if we said no?"

Kaveh, defeated: "You and your smart ass... but now thinking about that, perhaps not..."

Alhaitham: "Precisely. It alone sent us from our house to this infinite dark space within seconds. So even if you deny it, you'll still play this game regardless. No use fighting back."

Kaveh, sighing: "I get it, Alhaitham. We're playing this game? So be it!"

System: "Thank you for cooperating. To answer your question, Alhaitham; there is no time limit. However it takes about an average player approximately 2 hours to get through all episodes. The game mode you two are playing is different and modified by my owner herself though. She wants you to... let's say 'experience it to the fullest.'"

Kaveh: "... Is that a good thing?"

Alhaitham: "Depends on the theme. And since it's a horror game, I think not."

Kaveh, groaning: "Oh sweet Sunsettias..."

System: "If no more questions are asked, I will send you two into Episode 1: Home Alone. Spawning players in 3...2...1..."

Kaveh: "Wait I don't think I'm ready for another trip to teleporting again-"

A + K: "!!!"

As they felt their minds uncomfortably ring loudly, the System teleports the two characters into the actual game. The two men quickly dissipated into the vastness of the black void and now it is just the bodiless System that lingers. "I hope you can fulfill my satisfaction," a quiet female voice says to no one in particular, sounding more calm than excited. "... but I need you to first get me exhilarated for that to happen. So this is where the fun starts."

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